orchard : Idioms & Phrases

apple orchard

  • noun a grove of apple trees

orchard apple tree

  • noun native Eurasian tree widely cultivated in many varieties for its firm rounded edible fruits
    apple; Malus pumila.

Orchard grass

  • noun widely grown stout Old World hay and pasture grass
    cockspur; Dactylis glomerata; cocksfoot.
  • (Bot.), a tall coarse grass (Dactylis glomerata), introduced into the United States from Europe. It grows usually in shady places, and is of value for forage and hay.
Webster 1913

Orchard house

  • (Hort.), a glazed structure in which fruit trees are reared in pots.
Webster 1913

Orchard oriole

  • noun the male is chestnut-and-black
    Icterus spurius.
  • (Zool.), a bright-colored American oriole (Icterus spurius), which frequents orchards. It is smaller and darker thah the Baltimore oriole.
Webster 1913

peach orchard

  • noun a grove of peach trees

Sugar orchard

  • a collection of maple trees selected and preserved for purpose of obtaining sugar from them; called also, sometimes, sugar bush. U.S. Bartlett.
Webster 1913