opossum : Idioms & Phrases

common opossum

  • noun omnivorous opossum of the eastern United States; noted for feigning death when in danger; esteemed as food in some areas; considered same species as the crab-eating opossum of South America
    Didelphis virginiana; Didelphis marsupialis.

crab-eating opossum

  • noun South American opossum

flying opossum

  • noun nocturnal phalangers that move with gliding leaps using parachute-like folds of skin along the sides of the body
    flying phalanger; flying squirrel.

Opossum mouse

  • . (Zoöl.) See Flying mouse, under Flying.
Webster 1913

opossum rat

  • noun terrestrial marsupials of southern South America that resemble shrews

Opossum shrimp

  • noun shrimp-like crustaceans whose females carry eggs and young in a pouch between the legs
  • (Zoöl.), any schizopod crustacean of the genus Mysis and allied genera. See Schizopoda.
Webster 1913

opossum wood

  • noun medium-sized tree of West Virginia to Florida and Texas
    Halesia tetraptera; silverbell tree; Halesia carolina; snowdrop tree; silver-bell tree.

water opossum

Wa"ter o*pos"sum
  1. (Zoöl.) See Yapock, and the Note under Opossum.
Webster 1913

Zebra opossum

  • the zebra wolf. See under Wolf.
Webster 1913