northern : Idioms & Phrases
- capital of northern ireland
- northern alliance
- northern baptist
- northern baptist convention
- northern barramundi
- northern bedstraw
- northern beech fern
- northern bobwhite
- northern bog lemming
- northern casque-headed frog
- northern cricket frog
- northern cross
- northern dewberry
- Northern diver
- northern dune tansy
- northern europe
- northern flying squirrel
- northern harrier
- northern hemisphere
- northern holly fern
- northern ireland
- northern jacob's ladder
- Northern lights
- northern lobster
- northern mammoth
- northern mariana islands
- northern marianas
- northern oak fern
- northern oriole
- northern parula
- northern phalarope
- northern pike
- northern pin oak
- northern pitch pine
- northern pocket gopher
- northern porgy
- northern red oak
- northern rhodesia
- northern scup
- northern sea robin
- northern shrike
- northern snakehead
- northern snow bedstraw
- Northern spy
- northern storm petrel
- northern territory
- northern white cedar
- northern whiting
- northern woodsia
- united kingdom of great britain and northern ireland
capital of northern ireland
noun capital and largest city of Northern Ireland; the center of Protestantism in Northern Ireland
northern alliance
noun a multiethnic alliance in Afghanistan who practice a moderate form of Islam and are united in their opposition to the Taliban
United Front.
northern baptist
noun a member of the American Baptist Convention
northern baptist convention
noun an association of Northern Baptists
American Baptist Convention.
northern barramundi
noun a species of large fish found in Australian rivers
Australian bonytongue; Scleropages jardinii.
northern bedstraw
noun North American stoloniferous perennial having white flowers; sometimes used as an ornamental
Galium boreale; Northern bedstraw.
northern beech fern
noun beech fern of North America and Eurasia
Dryopteris phegopteris; narrow beech fern; Phegopteris connectilis; long beech fern; Thelypteris phegopteris.
northern bobwhite
noun a favorite game bird of eastern and central United States
Colinus virginianus.
northern bog lemming
noun of wet alpine and subalpine meadows of Canada and Alaska
Synaptomys borealis.
northern casque-headed frog
noun terrestrial burrowing nocturnal frog of grassy terrain and scrub forests having very hard upper surface of head; of the United States southwest
lowland burrowing treefrog; Pternohyla fodiens.
northern cricket frog
noun a cricket frog of eastern and central United States
Acris crepitans.
northern cross
noun a cluster of 5 bright stars forming a cross in the constellation Cygnus
northern dewberry
noun of eastern North America
Rubus flagellaris; American dewberry.
Northern diver
- .
(Zoöl.) SeeLoon .
Webster 1913
northern dune tansy
noun lightly hairy rhizomatous perennial having aromatic feathery leaves and stems bearing open clusters of small buttonlike yellow flowers; sand dunes of Pacific coast of North America
Tanacetum douglasii.
northern europe
noun the northernmost countries of Europe
northern flying squirrel
noun large flying squirrel; chiefly of Canada
Glaucomys sabrinus.
northern harrier
noun common harrier of North America and Europe; nests in marshes and open land
marsh hawk; hen harrier; Circus cyaneus.
northern hemisphere
noun the hemisphere that is to the north of the equator
northern holly fern
noun evergreen European fern widely cultivated
Polystichum lonchitis.
northern ireland
noun a division of the United Kingdom located on the northern part of the island of Ireland
northern jacob's ladder
noun perennial erect herb with white flowers; circumboreal
Polemonium boreale.
Northern lights
noun the aurora of the northern hemisphere
aurora borealis.
- . See
Aurora borealis , underAurora .
Webster 1913
northern lobster
noun flesh of cold-water lobsters having large tender claws; caught from Maine to the Carolinas
American lobster; Maine lobster.
noun lobster of Atlantic coast of America
American lobster; Homarus americanus; Maine lobster.
northern mammoth
noun very hairy mammoth common in colder portions of the northern hemisphere
woolly mammoth; Mammuthus primigenius.
northern mariana islands
noun a self-governing territory comprising all of the Mariana Islands except Guam
Northern Mariana Islands.
northern marianas
noun a self-governing territory comprising all of the Mariana Islands except Guam
Northern Mariana Islands.
northern oak fern
noun yellow-green fern of rocky areas of northern hemisphere
Gymnocarpium robertianum; limestone fern.
northern oriole
noun a kind of New World oriole
Icterus galbula.
northern parula
noun small grey-blue wood warbler with yellow throat and breast; of eastern North America
Parula americana; parula warbler.
northern phalarope
noun breeds in Arctic regions of Old and New Worlds; large flocks often seen far out at sea
Lobipes lobatus.
northern pike
noun voracious piscivorous pike of waters of northern hemisphere
Esox lucius.
northern pin oak
noun small to medium deciduous oak of east central North America; leaves have sharply pointed lobes
jack oak; Quercus ellipsoidalis.
northern pitch pine
noun large three-needled pine of the eastern United States and southeastern Canada; closely related to the pond pine
pitch pine; Pinus rigida.
northern pocket gopher
noun greyish to brown gopher of western and central United States
Thomomys talpoides.
northern porgy
noun found in Atlantic coastal waters of North America from South Carolina to Maine; esteemed as a panfish
Stenotomus chrysops; scup; northern porgy.
northern red oak
noun large symmetrical deciduous tree with rounded crown widely distributed in eastern North America; has large leaves with triangular spiny tipped lobes and coarse-grained wood less durable than that of white oaks
Quercus borealis; Quercus rubra.
northern rhodesia
noun a republic in central Africa; formerly controlled by Great Britain and called Northern Rhodesia until it gained independence within the commonwealth in 1964
Republic of Zambia; Zambia.
northern scup
noun found in Atlantic coastal waters of North America from South Carolina to Maine; esteemed as a panfish
Stenotomus chrysops; scup; northern porgy.
northern sea robin
noun large searobin; found from Nova Scotia to Florida
Prionotus carolinus.
northern shrike
noun a butcherbird of northern North America
Lanius borealis.
northern snakehead
noun a voracious freshwater fish that is native to northeastern China; can use fin to walk and can survive out of water for three days; a threat to American populations of fish
northern snow bedstraw
noun North American stoloniferous perennial having white flowers; sometimes used as an ornamental
Galium boreale; Northern bedstraw.
Northern spy
noun large late-ripening apple with skin striped with yellow and red
(Bot.) , an excellent American apple, of a yellowish color, marked with red.
Webster 1913
northern storm petrel
noun sooty black petrel with white markings; of the northern Atlantic and Mediterranean
Hydrobates pelagicus; stormy petrel.
northern territory
noun a territory in north central Australia
northern white cedar
noun small evergreen of eastern North America having tiny scalelike leaves on flattened branchlets
Thuja occidentalis; American arborvitae; white cedar.
northern whiting
noun whiting of the east coast of United States; closely resembles king whiting
Menticirrhus saxatilis.
northern woodsia
noun slender fern of northern North America with shining chestnut-colored stipes and bipinnate fronds with usually distinct marginal sori
Woodsia alpina; flower-cup fern; Alpine woodsia.
united kingdom of great britain and northern ireland
noun a monarchy in northwestern Europe occupying most of the British Isles; divided into England and Scotland and Wales and Northern Ireland; `Great Britain' is often used loosely to refer to the United Kingdom
U.K.; Great Britain; Britain; UK; United Kingdom.