neutral : Idioms & Phrases

idiom neutral

  • noun an artificial language proposed for use as an auxiliary international language; based on Volapuk but with a vocabulary selected on the basis of the maximum internationality of the roots

Neutral axis, Neutral surface

  • (Mech.), that line or plane, in a beam under transverse pressure, at which the fibers are neither stretched nor compressed, or where the longitudinal stress is zero. See Axis.
Webster 1913

Neutral equilibrium

  • (Mech.), the kind of equilibrium of a body so placed that when moved slighty it neither tends to return to its former position not depart more widely from it, as a perfect sphere or cylinder on a horizontal plane.
Webster 1913

Neutral salt

  • (Chem.), a salt formed by the complete replacement of the hydrogen in an acid or base; in the former case by a positive or basic, in the latter by a negative or acid, element or radical.
Webster 1913

neutral spirits

  • noun nonflavored alcohol of 95 percent or 190 proof used for blending with straight whiskies and in making gin and liqueurs
    ethyl alcohol.

Neutral tint

  • a bluish gray pigment, used in water colors, made by mixing indigo or other blue some warm color. the shades vary greatly.
Webster 1913

Neutral vowel

  • the vowel element having an obscure and indefinite quality, such as is commonly taken by the vowel in many unaccented syllables. It is regarded by some as identical with the &ucr; in up, and is called also the natural vowel, as unformed by art and effort. See Guide to Pronunciation, § 17.
Webster 1913


  • adjective satellite having a color that does not attract attention


  • adjective satellite having a color that does not attract attention