nebula : Idioms & Phrases

crab nebula

  • noun a remnant of a supernova detected first in 1054 AD

diffuse nebula

  • noun a cluster of stars within an intricate cloud of gas and dust
    diffuse nebula.

extragalactic nebula

  • noun (astronomy) a collection of star systems; any of the billions of systems each having many stars and nebulae and dust
    • `extragalactic nebula' is a former name for `galaxy'

gaseous nebula

  • noun a cluster of stars within an intricate cloud of gas and dust
    diffuse nebula.

Planetary nebula

  • noun a nebula that was once thought to be a star with its planets but is now thought to be a very hot star surrounded by an expanding envelope of ionized gases that emit a fluorescent glow because of intense radiation from the star
  • a nebula exhibiting a uniform disk, like that of a planet.
Webster 1913

Resolution of a nebula

  • (Astron.), the exhibition of it to the eye by a telescope of such power as to show it to be composed of small stars.
Webster 1913

spiral nebula

  • noun a galaxy having a spiral structure; arms containing younger stars spiral out from old stars at the center
    spiral galaxy.

To resolve a nebula

  • .(Astron.) See Resolution of a nebula, under Resolution.
Webster 1913