nasal : Idioms & Phrases
deviated nasal septum
noun abnormal shift in location of the nasal septum; a common condition causing obstruction of the nasal passages and difficulty in breathing and recurrent nosebleeds
external nasal vein
noun one of the veins that drain the external nose and empty into the angular or facial vein
vena nasalis externa.
nasal bone
noun an elongated rectangular bone that forms the bridge of the nose
nasal bone; nasal; os nasale.
Nasal bones
noun an elongated rectangular bone that forms the bridge of the nose
nasal bone; nasal; os nasale.
(Anat.) , two bones of the skull, in front of the frontals.
Webster 1913
nasal canthus
noun the inner corner of the eye
nasal cavity
noun either of the two cavities lying between the floor of the cranium and the roof of the mouth and extending from the face to the pharynx
nasal concha
noun one of several turbinate bones in the nasal cavity
nasal consonant
noun a consonant produced through the nose with the mouth closed
nasal decongestant
noun a decongestant that provides temporary relief of nasal symptoms of the common cold and rhinitis and upper respiratory infections
Nasal index
(Anat.) , in the skull, the ratio of the transverse the base of the aperture to the nasion, which latter distance is taken as the standard, equal to 100.
Webster 1913
nasal meatus
noun the passages in the nasal cavity formed by the projections of the nasal conchae
nasal septum
noun a partition of bone and cartilage between the nasal cavities
nasal sinus
noun any of the paired sinuses in the bones of the face adjacent to the nasal cavity that are lined with mucous membrane that is continuous with the lining of the nasal cavities
sinus paranasales; paranasal sinus.
nasal twang
noun exaggerated nasality in speech (as in some regional dialects)