musculus : Idioms & Phrases

balaenoptera musculus

  • noun largest mammal ever known; bluish-grey migratory whalebone whale mostly of southern hemisphere
    sulfur bottom; blue whale.

mus musculus

  • noun brownish-grey Old World mouse now a common household pest worldwide
    house mouse.

musculus abductor digiti minimi manus

  • noun the abductor muscle of the little finger

musculus abductor digiti minimi pedis

  • noun the abductor muscles of the little toe

musculus abductor hallucis

  • noun the abductor muscle of the great toe

musculus abductor pollicis

  • noun the abductor muscle of the thumb

musculus adductor brevis

  • noun the short adductor muscle of the thigh

musculus adductor hallucis

  • noun the adductor muscle of the great toe

musculus adductor longus

  • noun the long adductor muscle of the thigh

musculus adductor magnus

  • noun the muscle that adducts and extends the thigh
    great adductor muscle.

musculus anconeus

  • noun the muscle that extends the forearm and abducts the ulna in pronation of the wrist
    anconeous muscle.

musculus articularis cubiti

  • noun a small branch of the triceps that inserts into the capsule of the elbow joint

musculus articularis genus

  • noun the articular muscle of the knee

musculus biceps brachii

  • noun a muscle that flexes and supinates the forearm
    biceps brachii; biceps humeri.

musculus biceps femoris

  • noun the biceps muscle of the thigh; it flexes the knee and rotates the leg laterally
    femoral biceps.

musculus buccinator

  • noun a muscle that flattens the cheek and retracts the angle of the mouth
    cheek muscle; buccinator muscle.

musculus deltoideus

  • noun a large triangular muscle covering the shoulder joint and serving to abduct and flex and extend and rotate the arm
    deltoid; deltoid muscle.

musculus intercostalis

  • noun muscles between the ribs; they contract during inspiration
    intercostal; intercostal muscle.

musculus obliquus externus abdominis

  • noun a diagonally arranged abdominal muscle on either side of the torso
    abdominal external oblique muscle; external oblique muscle; oblique.

musculus pectoralis

  • noun either of two large muscles of the chest
    pectoral; pectoral muscle; pectoralis; pecs.

musculus pectoralis major

  • noun a skeletal muscle that adducts and rotates the arm
    greater pectoral muscle; pectoralis major.

musculus pectoralis minor

  • noun a skeletal muscle that draws down the scapula or raises the ribs
    pectoralis minor; smaller pectoral muscle.

musculus quadriceps femoris

  • noun a muscle of the thigh that extends the leg
    quad; quadriceps femoris; quadriceps.

musculus rhomboideus major

  • noun rhomboid muscle that draws the scapula toward the spinal column
    rhomboideus major muscle; greater rhomboid muscle.

musculus rhomboideus minor

  • noun rhomboid muscle that draws the scapula toward the vertebral column and slightly upward
    rhomboid minor muscle; lesser rhomboid muscle.

musculus sartorius

  • noun a muscle in the thigh that helps to rotate the leg into the sitting position assumed by a tailor; the longest muscle in the human body
    sartorius muscle; sartorius.

musculus scalenus

  • noun any of four pairs of muscles extending from the cervical vertebrae to the second rib; involved in moving the neck and in breathing
    scalenus; scalene muscle.

musculus serratus anterior

  • noun muscles that rotate the scapula and elevate the rib cage
    anterior serratus muscle; serratus magnus; serratus anterior.

musculus serratus posterior

  • noun skeletal muscle that draws the rib cage backward and downward
    posterior serratus muscle; serratus posterior.

musculus sphincter ani

  • noun the sphincter muscle of the anus
    sphincter ani; anal sphincter.

musculus sphincter ani externus

  • noun an external ring of striated muscle surrounding the anus

musculus sphincter ani internus

  • noun an internal ring of smooth muscle formed by circular fibers of the rectum

musculus sphincter ductus choledochi

  • noun the smooth muscle sphincter of the common bile duct

musculus sphincter ductus pancreatici

  • noun the smooth muscle sphincter of the main pancreatic duct

musculus sphincter pupillae

  • noun a ring of smooth muscle surrounding the iris
    pupillary sphincter.

musculus sphincter pylori

  • noun the sphincter muscle of the pylorus that separates the stomach from the duodenum
    pyloric sphincter; pyloric valve.

musculus sphincter urethrae

  • noun a striated sphincter muscle that constricts the urethra
    urethral sphincter.

musculus sphincter vesicae

  • noun the sphincter muscle of the urinary bladder; made up of a thickened muscular layer of bladder around the urethral opening
    bladder sphincter.

musculus sternocleidomastoideus

  • noun one of two thick muscles running from the sternum and clavicle to the mastoid and occipital bone; turns head obliquely to the opposite side; when acting together they flex the neck and extend the head
    sternocleidomastoid; sternocleidomastoid muscle; sternocleido mastoideus.

musculus temporalis

  • noun muscle extending from the temporal fossa to the coronoid process of the mandible; acts to raise the mandible and close the jaws
    temporalis; temporalis muscle; temporal muscle.

musculus teres major

  • noun teres muscle that moves the arm and rotates it medially
    teres major; teres major muscle.

musculus teres minor

  • noun teres muscle that adducts the arm and rotates it laterally
    teres minor; teres minor muscle.

musculus tibialis

  • noun either of two skeletal muscle in each leg arising from the tibia; provides for movement of the foot
    tibialis; tibialis muscle.

musculus transversalis abdominis

  • noun a flat muscle with transverse fibers that forms the anterior and lateral walls of the abdominal cavity
    transversus abdominis muscle; transverse muscle of abdomen; transversus abdominis.

musculus trapezius

  • noun either of two flat triangular muscles of the shoulder and upper back that are involved in moving the shoulders and arms
    trapezius; trapezius muscle; cowl muscle.

musculus triceps brachii

  • noun the skeletal muscle having three origins that extends the forearm when it contracts
    triceps brachii.