motive : Idioms & Phrases
E*lec`tro-mo"tive adjective
Producing electro-motion; producing, or tending to produce, electricity or an electric current; causing electrical action or effects.
Webster 1913
Electro-motive force
(Physics) , the force which produces, or tends to produce, electricity, or an electric current; sometimes used to express the degree of electrification as equivalent to potential, or more properly difference of potential.
Webster 1913
ethical motive
noun motivation based on ideas of right and wrong
ethics; morals; morality.
irrational motive
noun a motivation that is inconsistent with reason or logic
Leading motive
a translation of G. leitmotif (Mus.) , a guiding theme; in the modern music drama of Wagner, a marked melodic phrase or short passage which always accompanies the reappearance of a certain person, situation, abstract idea, or allusion in the course of the play; a sort of musical label.
Webster 1913
Motive power
noun the power or ability to move
locomotion; motivity.
(Mach.) , a natural agent, as water, steam, wind, electricity, etc., used to impart motion to machinery; a motor; a mover.
Webster 1913
rational motive
noun a motive that can be defended by reasoning or logical argument