miner : Idioms & Phrases
birch leaf miner
noun small black sawfly native to Europe but established in eastern United States; larvae mine the leaves of birches causing serious defoliation
Fenusa pusilla.
coal miner
noun someone who works in a coal mine
collier; pitman.
coal miner's lung
noun lung disease caused by inhaling coal dust
anthracosis; black lung disease; black lung.
gold miner
noun a miner who digs or pans for gold in a gold field
gold panner; gold digger.
Leaf miner
noun any of various small moths or dipterous flies whose larvae burrow into and feed on leaf tissue especially of the family Gracilariidae
leaf miner.
(Zoöl.) , any one of various small lepidopterous and dipterous insects, which, in the larval stages, burrow in and eat the parenchyma of leaves;as, the pear-tree .leaf miner (Lithocolletis geminatella )
Webster 1913
noun any of various small moths or dipterous flies whose larvae burrow into and feed on leaf tissue especially of the family Gracilariidae
leaf miner.
miner's cat
noun raccoon-like omnivorous mammal of Mexico and the southwestern United States having a long bushy tail with black and white rings
cacomixle; bassarisk; coon cat; ring-tailed cat; civet cat; cacomistle; Bassariscus astutus; ringtail; raccoon fox.
Miner's elbow
(Med.) , a swelling on the black of the elbow due to inflammation of the bursa over the olecranon; so called because of frequent occurrence in miners.
Webster 1913
Miner's inch
- in hydraulic mining, the amount of water flowing under a given pressure in a given time through a hole one inch in diameter. It is a unit for measuring the quantity of water supplied.
Webster 1913
miner's lettuce
noun succulent herb sometimes grown as a salad or pot herb; grows on dunes and waste ground of Pacific coast of North America
Montia perfoliata; winter purslane; Cuban spinach.
placer miner
noun a miner who extracts minerals from a placer by washing or dredging
strip miner
noun a miner who does strip mining