microscope : Idioms & Phrases
Achromatic telescope , ormicroscope Axis of a telescope ormicroscope - binocular microscope
- Compound microscope
- dark-field microscope
- electron microscope
- field-emission microscope
- light microscope
- Lucernal microscope
- Micrometer microscope
- microscope slide
- microscope stage
- operating microscope
- Oxyhydrogen microscope
Oxyhydrogen microscope , andSolar microscope - simple microscope
Simple, ∨ Single ,microscope - Solar microscope
Achromatic telescope , or microscope
- one in which the chromatic aberration is corrected, usually by means of a compound or achromatic object glass, and which gives images free from extraneous color.
Webster 1913
Axis of a telescope or microscope
- the straight line with which coincide the axes of the several lenses which compose it.
Webster 1913
binocular microscope
noun a light microscope adapted to the use of both eyes
Compound microscope
noun light microscope that has two converging lens systems: the objective and the eyepiece
- an instrument consisting of a combination of lenses such that the image formed by the lens or set of lenses nearest the object (called the objective) is magnified by another lens called the ocular or eyepiece.
- . See
Microscope .
Webster 1913
dark-field microscope
noun light microscope that uses scattered light to show particles too small to see with ordinary microscopes
electron microscope
noun a microscope that is similar in purpose to a light microscope but achieves much greater resolving power by using a parallel beam of electrons to illuminate the object instead of a beam of light
field-emission microscope
noun electron microscope used to observe the surface structure of a solid
light microscope
noun microscope consisting of an optical instrument that magnifies the image of an object
Lucernal microscope
- a form of the microscope in which the object is illuminated by means of a lamp, and its image is thrown upon a plate of ground glass connected with the instrument, or on a screen independent of it.
Webster 1913
Micrometer microscope
- a compound microscope combined with a filar micrometer, used chiefly for reading and subdividing the divisions of large astronomical and geodetical instruments.
Webster 1913
microscope slide
noun a small flat rectangular piece of glass on which specimens can be mounted for microscopic study
microscope stage
noun a small platform on a microscope where the specimen is mounted for examination
operating microscope
noun binocular microscope used in surgery to provide a clear view of small and inaccessible parts of the body (as in microsurgery)
Oxyhydrogen microscope
- a form of microscope arranged so as to use the light produced by burning lime or limestone under a current of oxyhydrogen gas.
Webster 1913
Oxyhydrogen microscope , and Solar microscope
- . See under
Oxyhydrogen , andSolar .
Webster 1913
simple microscope
noun light microscope consisting of a single convex lens that is used to produce an enlarged image
hand glass; magnifying glass.
- the magnifying glass was invented by Roger Bacon in 1250
Simple, ∨ Single , microscope
- a single convex lens used to magnify objects placed in its focus.
Webster 1913
Solar microscope
- a microscope consisting essentially, first, of a mirror for reflecting a beam of sunlight through the tube, which sometimes is fixed in a window shutter; secondly, of a condenser, or large lens, for converging the beam upon the object; and, thirdly, of a small lens, or magnifier, for throwing an enlarged image of the object at its focus upon a screen in a dark room or in a darkened box.