lychnis : Idioms & Phrases

evening lychnis

  • noun bluish-green herb having sticky stems and clusters of large evening-opening white flowers with much-inflated calyx; sometimes placed in genus Lychnis
    evening lychnis; bladder campion; white campion; Silene latifolia; white cockle.

genus lychnis

  • noun genus of plants strongly resembling those of genus Silene: catchfly

lychnis alba

  • noun bluish-green herb having sticky stems and clusters of large evening-opening white flowers with much-inflated calyx; sometimes placed in genus Lychnis
    evening lychnis; bladder campion; white campion; Silene latifolia; white cockle.

lychnis coronaria

  • noun an old cottage garden plant of southeastern Europe widely cultivated for its attractive white woolly foliage and showy crimson flowers
    mullein pink; rose campion; gardener's delight; dusty miller.

lychnis dioica

  • noun biennial European catchfly having red or pink flowers; sometimes placed in genus Lychnis
    red bird's eye; red campion; Silene dioica.

lychnis flos-cuculi

  • noun common perennial native to Europe and western Asia having usually pink flowers with ragged petals
    Lychins floscuculi; cuckoo flower; ragged robin.

scarlet lychnis

  • noun Eurasian garden perennial having scarlet flowers in dense terminal heads
    Lychins chalcedonica; maltese cross.