louse : Idioms & Phrases

bark louse

  • noun any of several insects living on the bark of plants
    bark louse.
Bark" louse`
  1. (Zoöl.) An insect of the family Coccidæ, which infests the bark of trees and vines. ✍ The wingless females assume the shape of scales. The bark louse of vine is Pulvinaria innumerabilis; that of the pear is Lecanium pyri. See Orange scale.
Webster 1913


  • noun any of several insects living on the bark of plants
    bark louse.

Bee louse

  • (Zoöl.), a minute, wingless, dipterous insect (Braula cæca) parasitic on hive bees.
Webster 1913

beggar lice

  • noun Eurasian and North American plants having small prickly nutlets that stick to clothing
    beggar lice.
  • noun any of various tropical and subtropical plants having trifoliate leaves and rough sticky pod sections or loments
    beggar lice; tick trefoil.

beggar's lice

  • noun Eurasian and North American plants having small prickly nutlets that stick to clothing
    beggar lice.
  • noun any of various tropical and subtropical plants having trifoliate leaves and rough sticky pod sections or loments
    beggar lice; tick trefoil.
Beg"gar's lice`
  1. (Bot.) The prickly fruit or seed of certain plants (as some species of Echinospermum and Cynoglossum) which cling to the clothing of those who brush by them.
Webster 1913

Bird louse

  • noun wingless insect with mouth parts adapted for biting; mostly parasitic on birds
    louse; bird louse.
  • (Zoöl.), a wingless insect of the group Mallophaga, of which the genera and species are very numerous and mostly parasitic upon birds. Bird mite (Zoöl.), a small mite (genera Dermanyssus, Dermaleichus and allies) parasitic upon birds. The species are numerous.
Webster 1913

biting louse

  • noun wingless insect with mouth parts adapted for biting; mostly parasitic on birds
    louse; bird louse.

Body louse

  • noun a parasitic louse that infests the body of human beings
    Pediculus corporis; cootie.
  • (Zoöl.), a species of louse (Pediculus vestimenti), which sometimes infests the human body and clothes. See Grayback.
Webster 1913

Book louse

  • noun minute wingless psocopterous insects injurious to books and papers
    Liposcelis divinatorius; booklouse; deathwatch.
  • (Zoöl.), one of several species of minute, wingless insects injurious to books and papers. They belong to the Pseudoneuroptera.
Webster 1913

Carp louse

  • (Zoöl.), a small crustacean, of the genus Argulus, parasitic on carp and allied fishes. See Branchiura.
Webster 1913

cattle louse

  • (Zoöl.), any species of louse infecting cattle. There are several species. The Hæmatatopinus eurysternus and H. vituli are common species which suck blood; Trichodectes scalaris eats the hair.
Webster 1913

chicken louse

  • noun a louse parasitic on poultry
    Menopon palladum; chicken louse; Menopon gallinae.

common louse

  • noun head or body louse
    Pediculus humanus.

Crab louse

  • noun a louse that infests the pubic region of the human body
    crab louse; Phthirius pubis; crab.
  • (Zoöl.), a species of louse (Phthirius pubis), sometimes infesting the human body.
Webster 1913

Dog louse

  • (Zoöl.), a louse that infests the dog, esp. Hæmatopinus piliferus; another species is Trichodectes latus.
Webster 1913

Fish louse

  • noun a kind of copepod
  • (Zoöl.), any crustacean parasitic on fishes, esp. the parasitic Copepoda, belonging to Caligus, Argulus, and other related genera. See Branchiura.
Webster 1913


Flea"-louse` noun
  1. (Zoöl.) A jumping plant louse of the family Psyllidæ, of many species. That of the pear tree is Psylla pyri.
Webster 1913

grape louse

  • noun destructive to various grape plants
    Phylloxera vitifoleae; grape phylloxera.


  • noun erect perennial Old World herb of dry grassy habitats
    Agrimonia eupatoria.

head lice

  • noun infestation of the scalp with lice
    pediculosis capitis.

head louse

  • noun infests the head and body of humans
    Pediculus capitis.

Jumping louse

  • (Zoöl.), any of the numerous species of plant lice belonging to the family Psyllidæ, several of which are injurious to fruit trees.
Webster 1913

jumping plant louse

  • noun small active cicada-like insect with hind legs adapted for leaping; feeds on plant juices
    psyllid; psylla.

Leaf louse

  • (Zoöl.), an aphid.
Webster 1913

Lobster louse

  • (Zoöl.), a copepod crustacean (Nicothoë astaci) parasitic on the gills of the European lobster.
Webster 1913

Louse fly

  • noun bloodsucking dipterous fly parasitic on birds and mammals
  • (Zoöl.), a parasitic dipterous insect of the group Pupipara. Some of them are wingless, as the bee louse.
Webster 1913

Louse mite

  • (Zoöl.), any one of numerous species of mites which infest mammals and birds, clinging to the hair and feathers like lice. They belong to Myobia, Dermaleichus, Mycoptes, and several other genera.
Webster 1913

louse up

  • verb make a mess of, destroy or ruin
    muck up; foul up; blow; botch up; botch; bollix; fumble; mishandle; bollocks; bumble; ball up; bobble; bollocks up; spoil; bollix up; fuck up; fluff; flub; bodge; muff; mess up; screw up; bungle.
    • I botched the dinner and we had to eat out
    • the pianist screwed up the difficult passage in the second movement

onion louse

  • noun injurious to onion plants and sometimes tobacco
    onion thrips; Thrips tobaci.

Plant louse

  • noun any of several small insects especially aphids that feed by sucking the juices from plants
  • (Zoöl.), any small hemipterous insect which infests plants, especially those of the families Aphidæ and Psyllidæ; an aphid.
Webster 1913

pubic louse

  • noun a louse that infests the pubic region of the human body
    crab louse; Phthirius pubis; crab.

Root louse

  • (Zoöl.), any plant louse, or aphid, which lives on the roots of plants, as the Phylloxera of the grapevine. See Phylloxera.
Webster 1913

sea louse

  • noun marine isopod crustacean
    sea slater.
Sea" louse`
  1. (Zoöl.) Any one of numerous species of isopod crustaceans of Cymothoa, Livoneca, and allied genera, mostly parasites on fishes.
Webster 1913

sea wood louse

Sea" wood louse`
  1. (Zoöl.) A sea slater.
Webster 1913

shaft louse

  • noun a louse parasitic on poultry
    Menopon palladum; chicken louse; Menopon gallinae.

sucking louse

  • noun wingless usually flattened bloodsucking insect parasitic on warm-blooded animals

Tree louse

  • (Zoöl.), any aphid; a plant louse.
Webster 1913

Vine louse

  • (Zoöl.), the phylloxera.
Webster 1913

Wall louse

  • a wood louse.
Webster 1913

Whale louse

  • noun amphipod crustacean parasitic on cetaceans
  • (Zoöl.), any one of several species of degraded amphipod crustaceans belonging to the genus Cyamus, especially C. ceti. They are parasitic on various cetaceans.
Webster 1913

Wheat louse

  • (Zoöl.), any wheat aphid.
Webster 1913

Wood louse

  • (Zoöl.) (a) Any one of numerous species of terrestrial isopod Crustacea belonging to Oniscus, Armadillo, and related genera. See Sow bug, under Sow, and Pill bug, under Pill. (b) Any one of several species of small, wingless, pseudoneuropterous insects of the family Psocidæ, which live in the crevices of walls and among old books and papers. Some of the species are called also book lice, and deathticks, or deathwatches.
Webster 1913

Woolly louse

  • (Zoöl.), a plant louse (Schizoneura, ∨ Erisoma, lanigera) which is often very injurious to the apple tree. It is covered with a dense coat of white filaments somewhat resembling fine wool or cotton. In exists in two forms, one of which infests the roots, the other the branches. See Illust. under Blight.
Webster 1913

woolly plant louse

  • noun secretes a waxy substance like a mass of fine curly white cotton or woolly threads
    woolly aphid.