list : Idioms & Phrases
- a-list
- Black list
- Check list
- Civil list
- class list
- distribution list
- Free list
- grocery list
- hit list
- honours list
- list price
- list processing
- list system
- list-processing language
- listed security
- Lloyd's list
- mailing list
- play list
Price current , ∨Price list - price list
- push-down list
- Retired list
- shopping list
- short list
- Sick list
- Stock list
- To enter the lists
- To list a stock
- waiting list
- wish list
noun a list of names of specially favored people
- the boss gave me his A-list of people we should try to recruit
Black list
- a list of persons who are for some reason thought deserving of censure or punishment; esp. a list of persons stigmatized as insolvent or untrustworthy, made for the protection of tradesmen or employers. See
Blacklist , v. t.
Webster 1913
Check list
- a list or catalogue by which things may be verified, or on which they may be checked.
Webster 1913
Civil list
noun a sum of money voted by British Parliament each year for the expenses of the British royal family
- (Great Britain & U.S.), the civil officers of government, as judges, ambassadors, secretaries, etc. Hence, the revenues or appropriations of public money for the support of the civil officers. More recently, the civil list, in England, embraces only the expenses of the reigning monarch's household.
Webster 1913
class list
noun a list issued by examiners that categorizes students according to the class of honours they achieved in their degree examinations
class list.
distribution list
noun list of names to whom a communication should be sent
Free list
noun a list of commodities that are not subject to tariffs
- .
(a) A list of articles admitted to a country free of duty .(b) A list of persons admitted to any entertainment, as a theater or opera, without payment, or to whom a periodical, or the like, is furnished without cost.
Webster 1913
grocery list
noun a list of heterogenous items that someone wants
grocery list.
- the union came to the table with a whole grocery list of demands
noun a list of groceries to be purchased
hit list
noun a list of victims to be eliminated (as by murder)
honours list
noun a list issued by examiners that categorizes students according to the class of honours they achieved in their degree examinations
class list.
list price
noun the selling price of something as stated in a catalogue or price list; often subject to discounts
- I got it at 30% off the list price
list processing
noun processing data that is given in the form of chained lists
list system
noun based on the principle of proportional representation; voters choose between party lists, the number elected from each list being determined by the percentage cast for each list out of the total vote
scrutin de liste system; scrutin de liste.
list-processing language
noun a flexible procedure-oriented programing language that manipulates symbols in the form of lists
listed security
noun a security that has been accepted for trading by one of the organized and registered securities exchanges in the US
Lloyd's list
- a publication of the latest news respecting shipping matters, with lists of vessels, etc., made under the direction of Lloyd's. Brande & C.
Webster 1913
mailing list
noun a list of names and addresses to which advertising material is mailed
play list
noun a list of musical selections for performance or for broadcast by radio
Price current , ∨ Price list
- a statement or list of the prevailing prices of merchandise, stocks, specie, bills of exchange, etc., published statedly or occasionally.
Webster 1913
price list
noun a listing of prices for different goods or services
push-down list
noun a list in which the next item to be removed is the item most recently stored (LIFO)
stack; push-down stack.
Retired list
(Mil. & Naval) , a list of officers, who, by reason of advanced age or other disability, are relieved from active service, but still receive a specified amount of pay from the government.
Webster 1913
shopping list
noun a list of items to be purchased
noun a list of heterogenous items that someone wants
grocery list.
- the union came to the table with a whole grocery list of demands
short list
noun a list of applicants winnowed from a longer list who have been deemed suitable and from which the successful person will be chosen
Sick list
noun a list of those who are ill (e.g. on a warship or in a regiment etc)
- a list containing the names of the sick.
Webster 1913
Stock list
noun a detailed list of all the items in stock
- a list of stocks, or shares, dealt in, of transactions, and of prices.
Webster 1913
To enter the lists
- to accept a challenge, or engage in contest.
Webster 1913
To list a stock
(Stock Exchange) , to put it in the list of stocks called at the meeting of the board.
Webster 1913
waiting list
noun a roster of those waiting to obtain something
wish list
noun a list of events that you wish would occur