jamaica : Idioms & Phrases

capital of jamaica

  • noun capital and largest city of Jamaica
    Kingston; Jamaican capital.

jamaica apple

  • noun large heart-shaped tropical fruit with soft acid pulp
    bullock's heart.

jamaica bayberry

  • noun West Indian tree; source of bay rum
    Pimenta acris; bay-rum tree; bayberry; wild cinnamon.

jamaica caper tree

  • noun shrub of southern Florida to West Indies
    caper tree; Capparis cynophallophora.

jamaica dogwood

  • noun small tree of West Indies and Florida having large odd-pinnate leaves and panicles of red-striped purple to white flowers followed by decorative curly winged seedpods; yields fish poisons
    Piscidia piscipula; Piscidia erythrina; fish fuddle.

Jamaica ginger

  • a variety of ginger, called also white ginger, prepared in Jamaica from the best roots, which are deprived of their epidermis and dried separately.
Webster 1913

jamaica honeysuckle

  • noun West Indian passionflower; cultivated for its yellow edible fruit
    yellow granadilla; Passiflora laurifolia.

Jamaica pepper

  • allspice.
Webster 1913

jamaica quassia

  • noun similar to the extract from Quassia amara
  • noun West Indian tree yielding the drug Jamaica quassia
    Picrasma excelsum; bitterwood; Picrasma excelsa.

Jamaica rose

  • (Bot.), a West Indian melastomaceous shrub (Blakea trinervis), with showy pink flowers.
Webster 1913

jamaica rum

  • noun heavy pungent rum from Jamaica

jamaica shorts

  • noun short pants that end at the knee
    Bermuda shorts.

jamaica sorrel

  • noun East Indian sparsely prickly annual herb or perennial subshrub widely cultivated for its fleshy calyxes used in tarts and jelly and for its bast fiber
    sorrel; roselle; red sorrel; rozelle; Hibiscus sabdariffa.