hunter : Idioms & Phrases
- - Fortune hunter
- bargain hunter
- bounty hunter
- bug-hunter
- Caterpillar hunter
- deer hunter
- duck hunter
- Emmet hunter
- fortune hunter
- Fox hunter
- head-hunter
- hunter's chicken
- Hunter's room
- hunter's sauce
- Hunter's screw
- hunter-gatherer
- Legacy hunter
- lion-hunter
- Locust hunter
- Moth hunter
- Pot hunter
- Spider hunter
- widow-hunter
- witch-hunter
- Fortune hunter
- one who seeks to acquire wealth by marriage.
Webster 1913
bargain hunter
noun a shopper who hunts for bargains
bounty hunter
noun someone who pursues fugitives or criminals for whom a reward is offered
noun a hunter who kills predatory wild animals in order to collect a bounty
noun a zoologist who studies insects
entomologist; bugologist.
Caterpillar hunter
(Zoöl.) , any species of beetles of the genusCallosoma and other allied genera of the familyCarabidæ which feed habitually upon caterpillars.
Webster 1913
deer hunter
noun hunter of deer
duck hunter
noun hunter of ducks
Emmet hunter
(Zoöl.) , the wryneck.
Webster 1913
fortune hunter
noun a person who seeks wealth through marriage
Fox hunter
noun a mounted hunter who follows the hounds in pursuit of a fox
- .
(a) One who pursues foxes with hounds.(b) A horse ridden in a fox chase.
Webster 1913
Head"-hunt`er noun
A member of any tribe or race of savages who have the custom of decapitating human beings and preserving their heads as trophies. The Dyaks of Borneo are the most noted head-hunters. 2. (fig.) an executive personnel recruiter --Head"-hunt`ing , n.
Webster 1913
hunter's chicken
noun chicken casserole prepared with tomatoes and mushrooms and herbs in the Italian style
chicken cacciatore; chicken cacciatora.
Hunter's room
- the lunation after the harvest moon.
Webster 1913
hunter's sauce
noun brown sauce and tomato puree with onions and mushrooms and dry white wine
sauce chausseur.
Hunter's screw
(Mech.) , a differential screw, so named from the inventor. See underDifferential .
Webster 1913
noun a member of a hunting and gathering society
Legacy hunter
- one who flatters and courts any one for the sake of a legacy.
Webster 1913
noun someone who tries to attract social lions as guests
noun someone who hunts lions
Locust hunter
(Zoöl.) , an African bird; the beefeater.
Webster 1913
Moth hunter
(Zoöl.) , the goatsucker.
Webster 1913
Pot hunter
- one who kills anything and everything that will help to fill has bag; also, a hunter who shoots game for the table or for the market.
Webster 1913
Spider hunter
(Zoöl.) , any one of several species of East Indian sunbirds of the genusArachnothera .
Webster 1913
Wid"ow-hunt`er noun
One who courts widows, seeking to marry one with a fortune. Addison.
Webster 1913
noun someone who identifies and punishes people for their opinions