hottentot : Idioms & Phrases

hottentot bread

  • noun thick edible rootstock of elephant's-foot
    Hottentot bread.

hottentot bread vine

  • noun South African vine having a massive rootstock covered with deeply fissured bark
    Dioscorea elephantipes; tortoise plant; elephant's-foot; Hottentot bread vine.

Hottentot cherry

  • (Bot.), a South African plant of the genus Cassine (C. maurocenia), having handsome foliage, with generally inconspicuous white or green flowers. Loudon.
Webster 1913

hottentot fig

  • noun low-growing South African succulent plant having a capsular fruit containing edible pulp
    Mesembryanthemum edule; sour fig; Hottentot fig; Carpobrotus edulis.

Hottentot's bread

  • noun thick edible rootstock of elephant's-foot
    Hottentot bread.
  • . (Bot.) See Elephant's foot (a), under Elephant.
Webster 1913

hottentot's bread vine

  • noun South African vine having a massive rootstock covered with deeply fissured bark
    Dioscorea elephantipes; tortoise plant; elephant's-foot; Hottentot bread vine.

hottentot's fig

  • noun low-growing South African succulent plant having a capsular fruit containing edible pulp
    Mesembryanthemum edule; sour fig; Hottentot fig; Carpobrotus edulis.