heath : Idioms & Phrases
- australian heath
- blunt-leaf heath
- common heath
- connemara heath
- cornish heath
- cranberry heath
- cross-leaved heath
- fine-leaved heath
- heath aster
- Heath cock
- heath family
- Heath grass
Heath grouse , ∨Heath game - Heath hen
- Heath pea
- Heath throstle
- heath violet
- mountain heath
- port jackson heath
- portuguese heath
- prince of wales heath
- prince-of-wales'-heath
- Saint Dabeoc's heath
- sea heath
- spanish heath
- spike heath
- spring heath
- st. dabeoc's heath
- tree heath
- true heath
- winter heath
australian heath
noun any heathlike plant of the family Epacridaceae; most are of the Australian region
blunt-leaf heath
noun small erect shrub of Australia and Tasmania with fragrant ivory flowers
blunt-leaf heath; Epacris obtusifolia.
common heath
noun small erect shrub of Australia and Tasmania with fragrant ivory flowers
blunt-leaf heath; Epacris obtusifolia.
noun spindly upright shrub of southern Australia and Tasmania having white to rose or purple-red flowers
Epacris impressa.
connemara heath
noun low straggling evergreen shrub of western Europe represented by several varieties with flowers from white to rose-purple
Connemara heath; Daboecia cantabrica.
cornish heath
noun bushy shrub having pink to white flowers; common on the moors of Cornwall and in southwestern Europe; cultivated elsewhere
Erica vagans.
cranberry heath
noun small prostrate or ascending shrub having scarlet flowers and succulent fruit resembling cranberries; sometimes placed in genus Styphelia
Styphelia humifusum; ground-berry; groundberry; native cranberry; Astroloma humifusum.
cross-leaved heath
noun dwarf European shrub with rose-colored flowers
Erica tetralix; bell heather.
fine-leaved heath
noun common low European shrub with purple-red flowers
heather bell; bell heather; Erica cinerea.
heath aster
noun common much-branched North American perennial with heathlike foliage and small starry white flowers
Aster ericoides.
noun common North American perennial with heathlike foliage and small white flower heads
Aster arenosus.
Heath cock
(Zoöl.) , the blackcock. SeeHeath grouse (below).
Webster 1913
heath family
noun heathers
Ericaceae; family Ericaceae.
Heath grass
(Bot.) , a kind of perennial grass, of the genusTriodia (T. decumbens ), growing on dry heaths.
Webster 1913
Heath grouse , ∨ Heath game
(Zoöl.) , a European grouse (Tetrao tetrix ), which inhabits heats; called alsoblack game ,black grouse ,heath poult ,heath fowl ,moor fowl . The male is called,heath cock , andblackcock ; the female,heath hen , andgray hen .
Webster 1913
Heath hen
noun extinct prairie chicken
Tympanuchus cupido cupido.
noun female black grouse
gray hen; grayhen; greyhen; grey hen.
- .
(Zoöl.) SeeHeath grouse (above).
Webster 1913
Heath pea
noun European herb bearing small tubers used for food and in Scotland to flavor whiskey
earth-nut pea; tuberous vetch; earthnut pea; Lathyrus tuberosus.
(bot.) , a species of bitter vetch (Lathyris macrorhizus ), the tubers of which are eaten, and in Scotland are used to flavor whisky.
Webster 1913
Heath throstle
(Zoöl.) , a European thrush which frequents heaths; the ring ouzel.
Webster 1913
heath violet
noun Old World leafy-stemmed blue-flowered violet
Viola canina; dog violet.
mountain heath
noun small shrub with tiny evergreen leaves and pink or purple flowers; Alpine summits and high ground in Asia and Europe and United States
Phyllodoce caerulea; Bryanthus taxifolius.
port jackson heath
noun small shrub of southern and western Australia having pinkish to rosy purple tubular flowers
Epacris purpurascens.
portuguese heath
noun erect dense shrub native to western Iberian peninsula having profuse white or pink flowers; naturalized in southwestern England
Portuguese heath; Erica lusitanica.
prince of wales heath
noun South African shrub grown for its profusion of white flowers
Erica perspicua; Prince of Wales heath.
noun South African shrub grown for its profusion of white flowers
Erica perspicua; Prince of Wales heath.
Saint Dabeoc's heath
(Bot.) , a heatherlike plant (Dabæcia polifolia ), named from an Irish saint.
Webster 1913
sea heath
Sea" heath`
(Bot.) A low perennial plant ( Frankenia lævis ) resembling heath, growing along the seashore in Europe.
Webster 1913
spanish heath
noun erect dense shrub native to western Iberian peninsula having profuse white or pink flowers; naturalized in southwestern England
Portuguese heath; Erica lusitanica.
spike heath
noun small evergreen mat-forming shrub of southern Europe and Asia Minor having stiff stems and terminal clusters of small bell-shaped flowers
Bruckenthalia spiculifolia.
spring heath
noun dwarf European shrub with very early blooming bell-shaped red flowers
Erica carnea; spring heath.
st. dabeoc's heath
noun low straggling evergreen shrub of western Europe represented by several varieties with flowers from white to rose-purple
Connemara heath; Daboecia cantabrica.
tree heath
noun gaunt Tasmanian evergreen shrubby tree with slender tapering leaves 3 to 5 feet long
Richea pandanifolia; grass tree.
noun evergreen treelike Mediterranean shrub having fragrant white flowers in large terminal panicles and hard woody roots used to make tobacco pipes
Erica arborea; briar; brier.
true heath
noun any plant of the genus Erica
winter heath
noun dwarf European shrub with very early blooming bell-shaped red flowers
Erica carnea; spring heath.