hearth : Idioms & Phrases

Hearth ends

  • (Metal.), fragments of lead ore ejected from the furnace by the blast.
Webster 1913

hearth money

  • noun an annual contribution made by Roman Catholics to support the papal see
    Peter's pence.

Hearth money, Hearth penny

  • AS. heor&edh;pening, a tax formerly laid in England on hearths, each hearth (in all houses paying the church and poor rates) being taxed at two shillings; called also chimney money, etc.
Webster 1913

Open hearth

  • (Metal.), the shallow hearth of a reverberatory furnace.
Webster 1913


  • adjective of or relating to or produced by the open-hearth process
    • open-hearth steel

Open-hearth furnace

  • noun a furnace for making steel in which the steel is placed on a shallow hearth and flames of burning gas and hot air play over it
  • a reverberatory furnace; esp., a kind of reverberatory furnace in which the fuel is gas, used in manufacturing steel.
Webster 1913

Open-hearth process

  • noun a process for making steel using an open-hearth furnace
  • (Steel Manuf.), a process by which melted cast iron is converted into steel by the addition of wrought iron, or iron ore and manganese, and by exposure to heat in an open-hearth furnace; also called the Siemens-Martin process, from the inventors.
Webster 1913

Open-hearth steel

  • steel made by an open-hearth process; also called Siemens-Martin steel.
Webster 1913

Ore hearth

  • a low furnace in which rich lead ore is reduced; also called Scotch hearth. Raymond.
Webster 1913

Slag furnace, ∨ Slag hearth

  • (Metal.), a furnace, or hearth, for extracting lead from slags or poor ore.
Webster 1913