he : Idioms & Phrases

ergun he

  • noun a river in eastern Asia that arises in China and flows northeast along the border between China and Russia to become a tributary of the Amur River
    Argun; Argun River.


  • noun male goat
    billy; billy goat.


  • noun deciduous much-branched shrub with dense downy panicles of small bell-shaped white flowers
    male berry; privet andromeda; maleberry; Lyonia ligustrina.


  • noun a man who is virile and sexually active
    macho-man; stud.

huang he

  • noun a major river of Asia in northern China; flows generally eastward into the Yellow Sea; carries large quantities of yellow silt to its delta
    Yellow River; Hwang Ho.

Will he, nill he

  • whether he wills it or not.
Webster 1913

Will I, nill I, ∨ Will ye, hill ye, ∨ Will he, nill he

  • whether I, you, or he will it or not; hence, without choice; compulsorily; sometimes corrupted into willy nilly. "If I must take service willy nilly." J. H. Newman. "Land for all who would till it, and reading and writing will ye, nill ye." Lowell.
Webster 1913