graphical : Idioms & Phrases

Graphic algebra

  • , a branch of algebra in which, the properties of equations are treated by the use of curves and straight lines.
Webster 1913

Graphic arts

  • noun the arts of drawing or painting or printmaking
    graphic art.
  • a name given to those fine arts which pertain to the representation on a fiat surface of natural objects; as distinguished from music, etc., and also from sculpture.
Webster 1913

Graphic formula

  • . (Chem.) See under Formula.
Webster 1913

Graphic granite

  • . See under Granite.
Webster 1913

Graphic method

  • the method of scientific analysis or investigation, in which the relations or laws involved in tabular numbers are represented to the eye by means of curves or other figures; as the daily changes of weather by means of curves, the abscissas of which represent the hours of the day, and the ordinates the corresponding degrees of temperature.
Webster 1913

Graphic tellurium

  • noun a silver-white mineral consisting of silver gold telluride; a source of gold in Australia and America
  • . See Sylvanite. >
Webster 1913

graphical record

  • noun a visual representation of the relations between certain quantities plotted with reference to a set of axes

Graphical statics

  • (Math.), a branch of statics, in which the magnitude, direction, and position of forces are represented by straight lines
Webster 1913

graphical user interface

  • noun a user interface based on graphics (icons and pictures and menus) instead of text; uses a mouse as well as a keyboard as an input device