goa : Idioms & Phrases

cedar of goa

  • noun tall spreading evergreen found in Mexico having drooping branches; believed to have been introduced into Portugal from Goa
    Mexican cypress; Cupressus lusitanica; Portuguese cypress.

goa bean

  • noun a tuberous twining annual vine bearing clusters of purplish flowers and pods with four jagged wings; Old World tropics
    winged bean; Psophocarpus tetragonolobus; Manila bean; winged pea; goa bean.
  • noun Old World tropical bean

goa bean vine

  • noun a tuberous twining annual vine bearing clusters of purplish flowers and pods with four jagged wings; Old World tropics
    winged bean; Psophocarpus tetragonolobus; Manila bean; winged pea; goa bean.

goa powder

  • noun a bitter yellow powder used to treat skin diseases
    chrysarobin; araroba.
Go"a pow"der
So called from Goa, on the Malabar coast, whither it was shipped from Portugal.
  1. A bitter powder (also called araroba) found in the interspaces of the wood of a Brazilian tree (Andira araroba) and used as a medicine. It is the material from which chrysarobin is obtained.
Webster 1913