giant : Idioms & Phrases

gas giant

  • noun any of the four outermost planets in the solar system; much larger than Earth and gaseous in nature (like Jupiter)
    Jovian planet.

giant anteater

  • noun large shaggy-haired toothless anteater with long tongue and powerful claws; of South America
    ant bear; tamanoir; Myrmecophaga jubata; great anteater.

giant armadillo

  • noun about three feet long exclusive of tail
    tatu; tatou; Priodontes giganteus.

giant bamboo

  • noun immense tropical southeast Asian bamboo with tough hollow culms that resemble tree trunks
    Dendrocalamus giganteus; kyo-chiku.

giant buttercup

  • noun spectacular perennial native of wet montane grasslands of Peru; formerly included in genus Ranunculus
    Laccopetalum giganteum.

giant cane

  • noun tall grass of southern United States growing in thickets
    Arundinaria gigantea; cane reed.

Giant cell

  • . (Anat.) See Myeloplax.
Webster 1913

giant chinkapin

  • noun small ornamental evergreen tree of Pacific Coast whose glossy yellow-green leaves are yellow beneath; bears edible nuts
    Chrysolepis chrysophylla; Castanopsis chrysophylla; golden chinkapin; Castanea chrysophylla.

Giant clam

  • noun a large clam inhabiting reefs in the southern Pacific and weighing up to 500 pounds
    Tridacna gigas.
  • (Zoöl.), a bivalve shell of the genus Tridacna, esp. T. gigas, which sometimes weighs 500 pounds. The shells are sometimes used in churches to contain holy water.
Webster 1913

giant cockroach

  • noun large tropical American cockroaches

giant conch

  • noun a large variety of conch
    Strombus gigas.

giant coreopsis

  • noun large treelike shrub having feathery leaves and clusters of large yellow flower heads; coastal southern California
    Coreopsis gigantea.

giant crab

  • noun very large deep-water Japanese crab
    Macrocheira kaempferi.

giant eland

  • noun large dark striped eland of western equatorial Africa
    Taurotragus derbianus.

giant fern

  • noun highly variable species of very large primitive ferns of the Pacific tropical areas with high rainfall
    angiopteris; Angiopteris evecta.

giant fir

  • noun lofty fir of the Pacific coast of northwestern America having long curving branches and deep green leaves
    lowland white fir; Abies grandis; lowland fir; grand fir.

giant foxtail

  • noun two species of coarse annual foxtails that are naturalized weeds in United States

giant fulmar

  • noun large brownish petrel chiefly of Antarctic seas
    giant fulmar; Macronectes giganteus.

giant garlic

  • noun European leek cultivated and used like leeks
    sand leek; Spanish garlic; Allium scorodoprasum; rocambole.

giant granadilla

  • noun tropical American passionflower yielding the large granadilla fruit
    Passiflora quadrangularis; granadilla.

giant helleborine

  • noun orchid growing along streams or ponds of western North America having leafy stems and 1 greenish-brown and pinkish flower in the axil of each upper leaf
    chatterbox; stream orchid; Epipactis gigantea.

Giant heron

  • (Zoöl.), a very large African heron (Ardeomega goliath). It is the largest heron known.
Webster 1913

giant hives

  • noun recurrent large circumscribed areas of subcutaneous edema; onset is sudden and it disappears within 24 hours; seen mainly in young women, often as an allergic reaction to food or drugs
    Quincke's edema; periodic edema; atrophedema; angioedema.

giant hornet

  • noun European hornet introduced into the United States
    Vespa crabro.

giant hyssop

  • noun any of a number of aromatic plants of the genus Agastache

giant kangaroo

  • noun very large greyish-brown Australian kangaroo formerly abundant in open wooded areas
    Macropus giganteus; great grey kangaroo.

Giant kettle

  • a pothole of very large dimensions, as found in Norway in connection with glaciers. See Pothole.
Webster 1913

giant lizard

  • noun the largest lizard in the world (10 feet); found on Indonesian islands
    Komodo dragon; Varanus komodoensis; Komodo lizard; dragon lizard.

giant moa

  • noun the largest moa; about 12 feet high
    Dinornis giganteus.

giant northwest shipworm

  • noun giant shipworm of the Pacific coast of North America
    Bankia setaceae.

giant panda

  • noun large black-and-white herbivorous mammal of bamboo forests of China and Tibet; in some classifications considered a member of the bear family or of a separate family Ailuropodidae
    Ailuropoda melanoleuca; panda bear; panda; coon bear.

giant perch

  • noun a species of large perch noted for its sporting and eating qualities; lives in marine, estuary, and freshwater habitats
    Lates calcarifer; Asian seabass; barramundi; giant perch; white seabass.

giant petrel

  • noun large brownish petrel chiefly of Antarctic seas
    giant fulmar; Macronectes giganteus.

giant pigfish

  • noun found around the Great Barrier Reef
    pigfish; Achoerodus gouldii.

giant potato creeper

  • noun vine of Costa Rica sparsely armed with hooklike spines and having large lilac-blue flowers
    Solanum wendlandii; potato vine.

Giant powder

  • . See Nitroglycerin.
Webster 1913

Giant puffball

  • noun huge edible puffball up to 2 feet diameter and 25 pounds in weight
    Calvatia gigantea.
  • (Bot.), a fungus (Lycoperdon giganteum), edible when young, and when dried used for stanching wounds.
Webster 1913

giant red paintbrush

  • noun wildflower of western North America having ragged clusters of crimson or scarlet flowers
    Castilleja miniata.

giant reed

  • noun large rhizomatous perennial grasses found by riversides and in ditches having jointed stems and large grey-white feathery panicles
    Arundo donax.

giant ryegrass

  • noun stout perennial grass of western North America
    Elymus condensatus; Leymus condensatus.

Giant salamander

  • noun large (up to more than three feet) edible salamander of Asia
    Megalobatrachus maximus.
  • (Zoöl.), a very large aquatic salamander (Megalobatrachus maximus), found in Japan. It is the largest of living Amphibia, becoming a yard long.
Webster 1913

giant scallop

  • noun a large scallop inhabiting deep waters of the Atlantic coast of North America
    Pecten magellanicus; sea scallop.

giant schnauzer

  • noun a large schnauzer

giant scrambling fern

  • noun large scrambling fern forming large patches to 18 feet high; Pacific region and China
    Diplopterygium longissimum.

giant seaperch

  • noun a species of large perch noted for its sporting and eating qualities; lives in marine, estuary, and freshwater habitats
    Lates calcarifer; Asian seabass; barramundi; giant perch; white seabass.

giant sequoia

  • noun extremely lofty evergreen of southern end of western foothills of Sierra Nevada in California; largest living organism
    Sequoia gigantea; Sierra redwood; big tree; Sequoiadendron giganteum; Sequoia Wellingtonia.

giant silkworm

  • noun larva of a saturniid moth; spins a large amount of strong silk in constructing its cocoon
    wild wilkworm; silkworm.

giant silkworm moth

  • noun any silkworm moth of the family Saturniidae
    silkworm moth.

Giant squid

  • noun largest mollusk known about but never seen (to 60 feet long)
  • (Zoöl.), one of several species of very large squids, belonging to Architeuthis and allied genera. Some are over forty feet long.
Webster 1913

giant star

  • noun a very bright star of large diameter and low density (relative to the Sun)

giant star grass

  • noun perennial grass having stems 3 to 4 feet high; used especially in Africa and India for pasture and hay
    Cynodon plectostachyum.

giant stock bean

  • noun annual semi-erect bushy plant of tropical South America bearing long pods with white seeds grown especially for forage
    wonder bean; jack bean; Canavalia ensiformis.

giant sunflower

  • noun very tall American perennial of central and the eastern United States to Canada having edible tuberous roots
    tall sunflower; Helianthus giganteus; Indian potato.

giant taro

  • noun large evergreen with extremely large erect or spreading leaves; cultivated widely in tropics for its edible rhizome and shoots; used in wet warm regions as a stately ornamental
    Alocasia macrorrhiza.

giant timber bamboo

  • noun large bamboo having thick-walled culms; native of China and perhaps Japan; widely grown elsewhere
    Phyllostachys bambusoides; madake; ku-chiku.

giant tortoise

  • noun very large tortoises of the Galapagos and Seychelles islands

giant water bug

  • noun large water bug with piercing and sucking mouthparts; feeds on young fishes

giant willowherb

  • noun tall North American perennial with creeping rootstocks and narrow leaves and spikes of pinkish-purple flowers occurring in great abundance in burned-over areas or recent clearings; an important honey plant
    wickup; rosebay willowherb; Epilobium angustifolium; fireweed.

Giant's Causeway

  • a vast collection of basaltic pillars, in the county of Antrim on the northern coast of Ireland.
Webster 1913

little giant

  • noun United States politician who proposed that individual territories be allowed to decide whether they would have slavery; he engaged in a famous series of debates with Abraham Lincoln (1813-1861)
    Stephen Arnold Douglas; Stephen A. Douglas; Douglas.

pacific giant salamander

  • noun large (to 7 inches) salamander of western North America
    Dicamptodon ensatus.

red giant

  • noun a large, old, luminous star; has a relatively low surface temperature and a diameter large relative to the sun
    red giant.

red giant star

  • noun a large, old, luminous star; has a relatively low surface temperature and a diameter large relative to the sun
    red giant.

yellow giant hyssop

  • noun erect perennial with stout stems and yellow-green flowers; southern Canada and southeastern United States
    Agastache nepetoides.