furnace : Idioms & Phrases

Air furnace

  • a furnace which depends on a natural draft and not on blast.
Webster 1913

almond furnace

Al"mond fur`nace
Prob. a corruption of Almain furnace, i. e., German furnace. See Almain.
  1. A kind of furnace used in refining, to separate the metal from cinders and other foreign matter. Chambers.
Webster 1913


Ash"-fur`nace, Ash"-ov`en noun (Also<
  • Ash-furnace
  • Ash-oven
  1. A furnace or oven for fritting materials for glass making.
Webster 1913

Blast furnace

  • noun a furnace for smelting of iron from iron oxide ores; combustion is intensified by a blast of air
  • a furnace, usually a shaft furnace for smelting ores, into which air is forced by pressure.
Webster 1913

Bustamente furnace

  • a shaft furnace for roasting quicksilver ores.
Webster 1913

Catalan furnace, Catalan forge

  • (Metal.), a kind of furnace for producing wrought iron directly from the ore. It was formerly much used, esp. in Catalonia, and is still used in some parts of the United States and elsewhere.
Webster 1913

Converting furnace

  • (Steel Manuf.), a furnace in which wrought iron is converted into steel by cementation.
Webster 1913

electric furnace

  • noun any furnace in which the heat is provided by an electric current

electric-arc furnace

  • noun an electric furnace in which an electric arc provides the source of heat for making steel
    electric-arc furnace.

Flatting furnace

  • . Same as Flattening oven, under Flatten.
Webster 1913

Flowing furnace

  • a furnace from which molten metal, can be drawn, as through a tap hole; a foundry cupola.
Webster 1913

Furnace cadmiam ∨ cadmia

  • the oxide of zinc which accumulates in the chimneys of furnaces smelting zinciferous ores. Raymond.
Webster 1913

Furnace bridge

  • Same as Bridge wall. See Bridge, n., 5.
Webster 1913

Furnace hoist

  • (Iron Manuf.), a lift for raising ore, coal, etc., to the mouth of a blast furnace.
Webster 1913

furnace lining

  • noun lining consisting of material with a high melting point; used to line the inside walls of a furnace

furnace room

  • noun a room (usually in the basement of a building) that contains a furnace for heating the building

gas furnace

  • noun a furnace that burns gas

Hydrocarbon burner, furnace, stove

  • a burner, furnace, or stove with which liquid fuel, as petroleum, is used.
Webster 1913

Iron furnace

  • a furnace for reducing iron from the ore, or for melting iron for castings, etc.; a forge; a reverberatory; a bloomery.
Webster 1913

oil furnace

  • noun a furnace that burns oil
    oil burner.

Open-front furnace

  • (Metal.), a blast furnace having a forehearth.
Webster 1913

Open-hearth furnace

  • noun a furnace for making steel in which the steel is placed on a shallow hearth and flames of burning gas and hot air play over it
  • a reverberatory furnace; esp., a kind of reverberatory furnace in which the fuel is gas, used in manufacturing steel.
Webster 1913

pernot furnace

Per"not fur"nace
So called from Charles Pernot, its inventor.
  1. A reverberatory furnace with a circular revolving hearth, -- used in making steel.
Webster 1913

Puddling furnace

  • a reverberatory furnace in which cast iron is converted into wrought iron or into steel by puddling.
Webster 1913

Reducing furnace

  • (Metal.), a furnace for reducing ores.
Webster 1913

Regenerative furnace

  • (Metal.), a furnace having a regenerator in which gas used for fuel, and air for supporting combustion, are heated; a Siemens furnace.
Webster 1913

Reverberatory furnace

  • noun a furnace in which the material that is being treated is heated indirectly by flames that are directed at the roof and walls of the furnace
  • . See the Note under Furnace.
Webster 1913

Shaft furnace

  • (Metal.), a furnace, in the form of a chimney, which is charged at the top and tapped at the bottom.
Webster 1913

Slag furnace, ∨ Slag hearth

  • (Metal.), a furnace, or hearth, for extracting lead from slags or poor ore.
Webster 1913

Smelting furnace

  • (Metal.), a furnace in which ores are smelted or reduced.
Webster 1913

solar furnace

  • noun a concave mirror that concentrates the rays of the sun; can produce high temperatures
    solar collector; solar dish.

stassano furnace

  • noun an electric furnace in which an electric arc provides the source of heat for making steel
    electric-arc furnace.

tank furnace

  • noun furnace into one end of which a batch of measured raw materials is shoveled and from the other end molten glass is obtained

Wind furnace

  • . See the Note under Furnace.
Webster 1913