franklin : Idioms & Phrases

benjamin franklin

  • noun printer whose success as an author led him to take up politics; he helped draw up the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution; he played a major role in the American Revolution and negotiated French support for the colonists; as a scientist he is remembered particularly for his research in electricity (1706-1790)

benjamin franklin bridge

  • noun a suspension bridge across the Delaware River

benjamin franklin norris jr.

  • noun United States writer (1870-1902)
    Frank Norris; Norris.

charles franklin kettering

  • noun United States electrical engineer who made numerous automotive improvements (including the electric starter) (1876-1958)
    Charles Kettering; Kettering.

edward franklin albeen

  • noun United States dramatist (1928-)
    Albee; Edward Albee.

franklin delano roosevelt

  • noun 32nd President of the United States; elected four times; instituted New Deal to counter the Great Depression and led country during World War II (1882-1945)
    F. D. Roosevelt; President Roosevelt; Roosevelt; FDR; Franklin Delano Roosevelt; Franklin Roosevelt.

franklin pierce

  • noun 14th President of the United States (1804-1869)
    Pierce; President Pierce.

franklin roosevelt

  • noun 32nd President of the United States; elected four times; instituted New Deal to counter the Great Depression and led country during World War II (1882-1945)
    F. D. Roosevelt; President Roosevelt; Roosevelt; FDR; Franklin Delano Roosevelt; Franklin Roosevelt.

franklin stove

Frank"lin stove`
  1. . A kind of open stove introduced by Benjamin Franklin, the peculiar feature of which was that a current of heated air was directly supplied to the room from an air box; -- now applied to other varieties of open stoves.
Webster 1913

gustavus franklin swift

  • noun United States meat-packer who began the use of refrigerated railroad cars (1839-1903)

john hope franklin

  • noun United States historian noted for studies of Black American history (born in 1915)

president franklin roosevelt

  • noun 32nd President of the United States; elected four times; instituted New Deal to counter the Great Depression and led country during World War II (1882-1945)
    F. D. Roosevelt; President Roosevelt; Roosevelt; FDR; Franklin Delano Roosevelt; Franklin Roosevelt.

william franklin graham

  • noun United States evangelical preacher famous as a mass evangelist (born in 1918)
    Billy Graham; Graham.