fracture : Idioms & Phrases
- capillary fracture
- closed fracture
- Comminuted fracture
- complete fracture
- Complicated fracture
- Compound fracture
- compression fracture
- depressed fracture
- displaced fracture
- fatigue fracture
- greenstick fracture
- hairline fracture
- Impacted fracture
- incomplete fracture
- open fracture
- Pott's fracture
- Simple fracture
- Sprain fracture
- stress fracture
capillary fracture
noun a fracture without separation of the fragments and the line of the break being very thin
capillary fracture.
closed fracture
noun an uncomplicated fracture in which the broken bones to not pierce the skin
closed fracture.
Comminuted fracture
noun fracture in which the bone is splintered or crushed
(Surg.) , a fracture in which the bone is broken into several parts.
Webster 1913
complete fracture
noun break involving the entire width of the bone
Complicated fracture
(Surg.) , a fracture of the bone combined with the lesion of some artery, nervous trunk, or joint.
Webster 1913
Compound fracture
noun bone fracture associated with lacerated soft tissue or an open wound
compound fracture.
(Surg.) , a fracture in which there is an open wound from the surface down to the fracture.- . See
Fracture .
Webster 1913
compression fracture
noun fracture in which the bone collapses (especially in short bones such as vertebrae)
depressed fracture
noun fracture of the skull where the bone is pushed in
displaced fracture
noun fracture in which the two ends of the broken bone are separated from one another
fatigue fracture
noun fracture resulting from excessive activity rather than a specific injury
fatigue fracture.
greenstick fracture
noun a partial fracture of a bone (usually in children); the bone is bent but broken on only one side
hairline fracture
noun a fracture without separation of the fragments and the line of the break being very thin
capillary fracture.
Impacted fracture
noun fracture in which one broken end is wedged into the other broken end
(Surg.) , a fracture in which the fragments are driven into each other so as to be immovable.
Webster 1913
incomplete fracture
noun fracture that does not go across the entire width of the bone
open fracture
noun bone fracture associated with lacerated soft tissue or an open wound
compound fracture.
Pott's fracture
- a fracture of the lower end of the fibula, with displacement of the tibia.
Webster 1913
Simple fracture
noun an uncomplicated fracture in which the broken bones to not pierce the skin
closed fracture.
(Surg.) , a fracture in which the bone only is ruptured. It does not communicate with the surface by an open wound.
Webster 1913
Sprain fracture
(Med.) , the separation of a tendon from its point of insertion, with the detachment of a shell of bone to which the tendon is attached.
Webster 1913
stress fracture
noun fracture resulting from excessive activity rather than a specific injury
fatigue fracture.