fleece : Idioms & Phrases

china fleece vine

  • noun twining perennial vine having racemes of fragrant greenish flowers; western China to Russia
    Polygonum aubertii; silver lace vine; Russian vine.

Fleece wool

  • wool shorn from the sheep.
Webster 1913

Golden fleece

  • noun in Greek mythology, a fleece of gold owned by the king of Colchis and guarded in a sacred grove by a dragon; recovered by Jason and the Argonauts
  • . (a) (Mythol.) The fleece of gold fabled to have been taken from the ram that bore Phryxus through the air to Colchis, and in quest of which Jason undertook the Argonautic expedition. (b) (Her.) An order of knighthood instituted in 1429 by Philip the Good, Duke of Burgundy; called also Toison d'Or.
Webster 1913