facial : Idioms & Phrases
anterior facial vein
noun a continuation of the angular vein; unites with the retromandibular vein before emptying into the internal jugular vein
vena facialis anterior.
common facial vein
noun vein formed by union of facial vein and the retromandibular vein and emptying into the jugular vein
Facial angle
(Anat.) , the angle, in a skull, included between a straight line (ab, in the illustrations), from the most prominent part of the forehead to the front efge of the upper jaw bone, and another (cd) from this point to the center of the external auditory opening. SeeGnathic index , underGnathic .
Webster 1913
facial artery
noun an artery that originates in the external carotid and gives off branches that supply the neck and face
arteria facialis; external maxillary artery.
facial expression
noun a gesture executed with the facial muscles
facial expression.
noun the feelings expressed on a person's face
expression; look; aspect; face.
- a sad expression
- a look of triumph
- an angry face
facial gesture
noun a gesture executed with the facial muscles
facial expression.
facial hair
noun hair on the face (especially on the face of a man)
facial index
noun the ratio (in percent) of the maximum width to the maximum height of the face
facial muscle
noun any of the skeletal muscles of the face
facial nerve
noun cranial nerve that supplies facial muscles
nervus facialis; seventh cranial nerve; facial.
facial profiling
noun identification of criminals and terrorist by means of videotapes of their faces
- facial profiling is a new form of airport security
facial recognition
noun biometric identification by scanning a person's face and matching it against a library of known faces
automatic face recognition; face recognition.
- they used face recognition to spot known terrorists
facial tissue
noun tissue paper suitable for use on the face
facial vein
noun any of several veins draining the face
vena facialis.
posterior facial vein
noun posterior branch of the facial vein; formed by temporal veins in front of the ear
vena retromandibularis; retromandibular vein.