escape : Idioms & Phrases

escape cock

  • noun a valve in a container in which pressure can build up (as a steam boiler); it opens automatically when the pressure reaches a dangerous level
    escape; relief valve; safety valve; escape cock.

escape expert

  • noun an entertainer who is expert in the art of escaping

escape from

  • verb get rid of
    shake off; throw off; shake.
    • I couldn't shake the car that was following me

escape hatch

  • noun hatchway that provides a means of escape in an emergency

escape mechanism

  • noun a form of behavior that evades unpleasant realities

Escape pipe

  • (Steam Boilers), a pipe for carrying away steam that escapes through a safety valve.
Webster 1913

Escape valve

  • noun a valve in a container in which pressure can build up (as a steam boiler); it opens automatically when the pressure reaches a dangerous level
    escape; relief valve; safety valve; escape cock.
  • (Steam Engine), a relief valve; a safety valve. See under Relief, and Safety.
Webster 1913

escape velocity

  • noun the minimum velocity needed to escape a gravitational field

Escape wheel

  • noun gear that engages a rocking lever
  • (Horol.), the wheel of an escapement.
Webster 1913

Fire escape

  • noun a stairway (often on the outside of a building) that permits exit in the case of fire or other emergency
    emergency exit.
  • a contrivance for facilitating escape from burning buildings.
Webster 1913

narrow escape

  • noun something achieved (or escaped) by a narrow margin
    squeak; close shave; close call; squeaker.

Voluntary escape

  • (Law), the escape of a prisoner by the express consent of the sheriff.
Webster 1913