easter : Idioms & Phrases
down easter
noun a native or resident of Maine
easter bunny
noun a rabbit that delivers Easter eggs
easter cactus
noun spring-blooming South American cactus with oblong joints and coral-red flowers; sometimes placed in genus Schlumbergera
Schlumbergera gaertneri; Hatiora gaertneri.
easter card
noun a card expressing an Easter greeting
easter daisy
noun dwarf tufted nearly stemless herb having a rosette of woolly leaves and large white-rayed flower heads and bristly achenes; central Canada and United States west to Arizona
Townsendia Exscapa; stemless daisy.
easter day
noun the day (in March or April) on which the festival of Easter is celebrated
Easter Day.
Easter dues
(Ch. of Eng.) , money due to the clergy at Easter, formerly paid in communication of the tithe for personal labor and subject to exaction. For Easter dues, Easter offerings, voluntary gifts, have been substituted.
Webster 1913
Easter egg
noun an egg-shaped candy used to celebrate Easter
noun a colored hard-boiled egg used to celebrate Easter
- .
(a) A painted or colored egg used as a present at Easter.(b) An imitation of an egg, in sugar or some fine material, sometimes made to serve as a box for jewelry or the like, used as an Easter present.
Webster 1913
easter lily
noun tall lily have large white trumpet-shaped flowers that bloom in the spring
Lilium longiflorum; white trumpet lily; Bermuda lily.
easter lily vine
noun evergreen woody twiner with large glossy leaves and showy corymbs of fragrant white trumpet-shaped flowers
Beaumontia grandiflora; Nepal trumpet flower.
easter sunday
noun the day (in March or April) on which the festival of Easter is celebrated
Easter Day.
Honey easter
(Zoöl.) , one of numerous species of small passerine birds of the familyMeliphagidæ , abundant in Australia and Oceania; called alsohoneysucker .