doctrine : Idioms & Phrases
baptistic doctrine
noun any of various doctrines closely related to Anabaptism
cell doctrine
noun (biology) the theory that cells form the fundamental structural and functional units of all living organisms; proposed in 1838 by Matthias Schleiden and by Theodor Schwann
cell theory.
church doctrine
noun the written body of teachings of a religious group that are generally accepted by that group
gospel; church doctrine; creed.
cy pres doctrine
noun a rule that when literal compliance is impossible the intention of a donor or testator should be carried out as nearly as possible
rule of cy pres; cy pres.
doctrine of analogy
noun the religious belief that between creature and creator no similarity can be found so great but that the dissimilarity is always greater; any analogy between God and humans will always be inadequate
judicial doctrine
noun (law) a principle underlying the formulation of jurisprudence
judicial principle; legal principle.
monroe doctrine
noun an American foreign policy opposing interference in the western hemisphere from outside powers
Mon*roe" doc"trine
See under Doctrine .
Webster 1913
philosophical doctrine
noun a doctrine accepted by adherents to a philosophy
philosophical theory.
religious doctrine
noun the written body of teachings of a religious group that are generally accepted by that group
gospel; church doctrine; creed.
The Monroe doctrine
(Politics) , a policy enunciated by President Monroe (Message, Dec. 2, 1823), the essential feature of which is that the United States will regard as an unfriendly act any attempt on the part of European powers to extend their systems on this continent, or any interference to oppress, or in any manner control the destiny of, governments whose independence had been acknowledged by the United States.
Webster 1913
theological doctrine
noun the doctrine of a religious group
truman doctrine
noun President Truman's policy of providing economic and military aid to any country threatened by communism or totalitarian ideology
Unwritten doctrines
(Theol.) , such doctrines as have been handed down by word of mouth; oral or traditional doctrines.