descriptive : Idioms & Phrases
descriptive adjective
noun an adjective that ascribes to its noun the value of an attribute of that noun (e.g., `a nervous person' or `a musical speaking voice')
qualifying adjective.
Descriptive anatomy
- that part of anatomy which treats of the forms and relations of parts, but not of their textures.
Webster 1913
descriptive anthropology
noun the branch of anthropology that provides scientific description of individual human societies
descriptive clause
noun a subordinate clause that does not limit or restrict the meaning of the noun phrase it modifies
nonrestrictive clause.
Descriptive geometry
noun the geometry of properties that remain invariant under projection
projective geometry.
- that branch of geometry. which treats of the graphic solution of problems involving three dimensions, by means of projections upon auxiliary planes.
Webster 1913
descriptive grammar
noun a grammar that is produced by descriptive linguistics
descriptive linguistics
noun a description (at a given point in time) of a language with respect to its phonology and morphology and syntax and semantics without value judgments