demonstration : Idioms & Phrases

amphibious demonstration

  • noun an amphibious operation conducted for the purpose of deceiving the enemy and leading him into a course of action unfavorable to him

Direct, ∨ Positive, demonstration

  • (Logic & Math.), one in which the correct conclusion is the immediate sequence of reasoning from axiomatic or established premises; opposed to
Webster 1913

Indirect, ∨ Negative, demonstration

  • (called also reductio ad absurdum), in which the correct conclusion is an inference from the demonstration that any other hypothesis must be incorrect.
Webster 1913

Indirect demonstration

  • a mode of demonstration in which proof is given by showing that any other supposition involves an absurdity (reductio ad absurdum), or an impossibility; thus, one quantity may be proved equal to another by showing that it can be neither greater nor less.
Webster 1913

lecture demonstration

  • noun presentation of an example of what the lecturer is discoursing about

Ostensive demonstration

  • (Math.), a direct or positive demonstration, as opposed to the apagogical or indirect method.
Webster 1913