custard : Idioms & Phrases

Custard apple

  • noun any of several tropical American trees bearing fruit with soft edible pulp
    custard apple.
  • noun the fruit of any of several tropical American trees of the genus Annona having soft edible pulp
  • (Bot.), a low tree or shrub of tropical America, including several species of Anona (A. squamosa, reticulata, etc.), having a roundish or ovate fruit the size of a small orange, containing a soft, yellowish, edible pulp.
Webster 1913

custard apple tree

  • noun any of several tropical American trees bearing fruit with soft edible pulp
    custard apple.

Custard coffin

  • pastry, or crust, which covers or coffins a custard Obs.
Webster 1913

custard pie

  • noun a prop consisting of an open pie filled with real or artificial custard; thrown in slapstick comedies

custard-apple family

  • noun chiefly tropical trees or shrubs
    family Annonaceae; Annonaceae.


  • adjective resembling custard in consistency

frozen custard

  • noun dessert resembling ice cream but with a boiled custard base
    soft ice cream.

fruit custard

  • noun a custard containing fruit

prickly custard apple

  • noun small tropical American tree bearing large succulent slightly acid fruit
    soursop; soursop tree; Annona muricata.