cosmic : Idioms & Phrases
cosmic background radiation
noun (cosmology) the cooled remnant of the hot big bang that fills the entire universe and can be observed today with an average temperature of about 2.725 kelvin
CMB; cosmic background radiation; CBR; cosmic microwave background; CMBR.
cosmic dust
noun clouds of particles or gases occurring throughout interstellar space
cosmic microwave background
noun (cosmology) the cooled remnant of the hot big bang that fills the entire universe and can be observed today with an average temperature of about 2.725 kelvin
CMB; cosmic background radiation; CBR; cosmic microwave background; CMBR.
cosmic microwave background radiation
noun (cosmology) the cooled remnant of the hot big bang that fills the entire universe and can be observed today with an average temperature of about 2.725 kelvin
CMB; cosmic background radiation; CBR; cosmic microwave background; CMBR.
cosmic radiation
noun radiation coming from outside the solar system
cosmic ray
noun highly penetrating ionizing radiation of extraterrestrial origin; consisting chiefly of protons and alpha particles; collision with atmospheric particles results in rays and particles of many kinds
cosmic string
noun (cosmology) a hypothetical one-dimensional subatomic particle having a concentration of energy and the dynamic properties of a flexible loop
cosmic time
noun the time covered by the physical formation and development of the universe