constable : Idioms & Phrases

chief constable

  • noun the head of the police force in a county (or similar area)

High constable

  • (Law), a chief of constabulary. See Constable, n., 2.
  • a constable having certain duties and powers within a hundred. Eng.
Webster 1913

john constable

  • noun English landscape painter (1776-1837)

Lord high chancellor, Lord high constable

  • etc. See Chancellor, Constable, etc.
Webster 1913

Petit constable

  • an inferior civil officer, subordinate to the high constable.
Webster 1913

Petty constable

  • a conservator of the peace within a parish or tithing; a tithingman. Eng.
Webster 1913

police constable

  • noun a police officer of the lowest rank

Police constable, ∨ Police officer

  • a policeman.
Webster 1913

Special constable

  • a person appointed to act as constable of special occasions.
Webster 1913

To overrun, ∨ outrun, the constable

  • the spend more than one's income; to get into debt. Colloq.
Webster 1913