consent : Idioms & Phrases

  • noun a legal expression in the United States Constitution that allows the Senate to constrain the President's powers of appointment and treaty-making

  • noun the minimum age for marrying without parental consent or the minimum age for consensual sexual relations; intercourse at an earlier age can result in a charge of assault or statutory rape; the age differs in different states of the Union
  • (Law), an age, fixed by statute and varying in different jurisdictions, at which one is competent to give consent. Sexual intercourse with a female child under the age of consent is punishable as rape.
Webster 1913

  • noun an agreement between two parties that is sanctioned by the court; for example, a company might agree to stop certain questionable practices without admitting guilt

  • noun consent by a patient to undergo a medical or surgical treatment or to participate in an experiment after the patient understands the risks involved

  • noun (law) tacit approval of someone's wrongdoing
    secret approval; connivance.