conjugate : Idioms & Phrases
complex conjugate
noun either of two complex numbers whose real parts are identical and whose imaginary parts differ only in sign
Conjugate axis of a hyperbola
(Math.) , the line through the center of the curve, perpendicular to the line through the two foci.
Webster 1913
Conjugate diameters
(Conic Sections) , two diameters of an ellipse or hyperbola such that each bisects all chords drawn parallel to the other.
Webster 1913
Conjugate focus
(Opt.) See underFocus .
Webster 1913
Conjugate mirrors
(Optics) , two mirrors so placed that rays from the focus of one are received at the focus of the other, especially two concave mirrors so placed that rays proceeding from the principal focus of one and reflected in a parallel beam are received upon the other and brought to the principal focus.
Webster 1913
Conjugate point
(Geom.) , an acnode. SeeAcnode , andDouble point .
Webster 1913
conjugate solution
noun a mixture of two partially miscible liquids A and B produces two conjugate solutions: one of A in B and another of B in A
conjugated protein
noun a protein complex combining amino acids with other substances
compound protein.
Self`-con"ju*gate adjective
(Geom.) Having the two things that are conjugate parts of the same figure; as, .self-conjugate triangles
Webster 1913
Self-conjugate triangle
(Conic Sections) , a triangle each of whose vertices is the pole of the opposite side with reference to a conic.