cliff : Idioms & Phrases

cliff brake

  • noun any of several small lithophytic ferns of tropical and warm temperate regions
    cliff brake; rock brake.

cliff diving

  • noun diving into the water from a steep overhanging cliff

cliff dweller

  • noun a member of the Anasazi people living in the southwestern United States who built rock or adobe dwellings on ledges in the sides of caves

cliff dwelling

  • noun a rock and adobe dwelling built on sheltered ledges in the sides of a cliff
    • the Anasazi built cliff dwellings in the southwestern United States

cliff limestone

Cliff" lime"stone`
  1. (Geol.) A series of limestone strata found in Ohio and farther west, presenting bluffs along the rivers and valleys, formerly supposed to be of one formation, but now known to be partly Silurian and partly Devonian.
Webster 1913

cliff penstemon

  • noun one of the West's most beautiful wildflowers; large brilliant pink or rose flowers in many racemes above thick mats of stems and leaves; ledges and cliffs from Washington to California
    Penstemon rupicola; rock penstemon.

cliff rose

  • noun tufted thrift of seacoasts and mountains of north temperate zone; occasionally grown as a ground cover
    sea pink; Armeria maritima.

Cliff swallow

  • noun North American swallow that lives in colonies and builds bottle-shaped mud nests on cliffs and walls
    Hirundo pyrrhonota.
  • (Zoöl.), a North American swallow (Petrochelidon lunifrons), which builds its nest against cliffs; the eaves swallow.
Webster 1913


  • noun any of several small lithophytic ferns of tropical and warm temperate regions
    cliff brake; rock brake.


  • adjective satellite (of a situation) characterized by or causing suspense
    suspensive; suspenseful; nail-biting.

fragrant cliff fern

  • noun fern or northern Eurasia and North America having fragrant fronds
    Dryopteris fragrans; fragrant wood fern; fragrant shield fern.