circulation : Idioms & Phrases
Collateral circulation
(Med. & Physiol.) , circulation established through indirect or subordinate branches when the supply through the main vessel is obstructed.
Webster 1913
Derivative circulation
- a modification of the circulation found in some parts of the body, in which the arteries empty directly into the veins without the interposition of capillaries.
Webster 1913
fetal circulation
noun the system of blood vessels and structures through which blood moves in a fetus
fetal circulation.
foetal circulation
noun the system of blood vessels and structures through which blood moves in a fetus
fetal circulation.
pulmonary circulation
noun circulation of blood between the heart and the lungs
systemic circulation
noun circulation that supplies blood to all the body except to the lungs
vitelline circulation
noun circulation of blood between the embryo and the yolk sac