canoe : Idioms & Phrases

birchbark canoe

  • noun a canoe made with the bark of a birch tree
    birchbark; birch bark.

canoe birch

  • noun small American birch with peeling white bark often worked into e.g. baskets or toy canoes
    Betula papyrifera; American white birch; Betula cordifolia; paperbark birch; paper birch.

canoe cedar

  • noun large valuable arborvitae of northwestern United States
    red cedar; Thuja plicata; western red cedar.

dugout canoe

  • noun a canoe made by hollowing out and shaping a large log
    pirogue; dugout.

Log canoe

  • a canoe made by shaping and hollowing out a single log. = dugout canoe
Webster 1913

outrigger canoe

  • noun a seagoing canoe (as in South Pacific) with an outrigger to prevent it from upsetting