buffalo : Idioms & Phrases

american buffalo

  • noun large shaggy-haired brown bison of North American plains
    American bison; buffalo; Bison bison.

asiatic buffalo

  • noun an Asian buffalo that is often domesticated for use as a draft animal
    Bubalus bubalis; water ox; Asiatic buffalo.

black buffalo

  • noun fish of the lower Mississippi
    Ictiobus niger.

Buffalo berry

  • (Bot.), a shrub of the Upper Missouri (Sherherdia argentea) with acid edible red berries.
Webster 1913

buffalo bill

  • noun United States showman famous for his Wild West Show (1846-1917)
    William F. Cody; William Frederick Cody; Buffalo Bill; Cody.

buffalo bill cody

  • noun United States showman famous for his Wild West Show (1846-1917)
    William F. Cody; William Frederick Cody; Buffalo Bill; Cody.

buffalo bill's wild west show

  • noun a spectacular show organized in 1883 by William F. Cody that featured horseback riding and marksmanship on a large scale; toured the United States and Europe
    Wild West Show.

Buffalo bird

  • (Zoöl.), an African bird of the genus Buphaga, of two species. These birds perch upon buffaloes and cattle, in search of parasites.
Webster 1913

Buffalo bug

  • the carpet beetle. See under Carpet.
Webster 1913

buffalo bur

  • noun North American nightshade with prickly foliage and racemose yellow flowers
    Solanum rostratum.

buffalo carpet beetle

  • noun a small black and red and white carpet beetle
    Anthrenus scrophulariae.

buffalo chip

  • noun a piece of dried bovine dung
    cow dung; chip; buffalo chip; cow chip.

Buffalo chips

  • noun a piece of dried bovine dung
    cow dung; chip; buffalo chip; cow chip.
  • dry dung of the buffalo, or bison, used for fuel . U.S.
Webster 1913

Buffalo clover

  • noun low-growing annual herb of southwestern United States (Texas) having silky foliage and blue flowers; a leading cause of livestock poisoning in the southwestern United States
    bluebonnet; Lupinus subcarnosus; Texas bluebonnet.
  • noun clover of western United States
    Trifolium reflexum; Trifolium stoloniferum.
  • (Bot.), a kind of clover (Trifolium reflexum and T.soloniferum) found in the ancient grazing grounds of the American bison.
Webster 1913

Buffalo cod

  • (Zoöl.), a large, edible, marine fish (Ophiodon elongatus) of the northern Pacific coast; called also blue cod, and cultus cod.
Webster 1913

Buffalo fish

  • noun any of several large suckers of the Mississippi valley
  • (Zoöl.), one of several large fresh-water fishes of the family Catostomidæ, of the Mississippi valley. The red-mouthed or brown (Ictiobus bubalus), the big-mouthed or black (Bubalichthys urus), and the small-mouthed (B. altus), are among the more important species used as food.
Webster 1913

Buffalo fly, ∨ Buffalo gnat

  • (Zoöl.), a small dipterous insect of the genus Simulium, allied to the black fly of the North. It is often extremely abundant in the lower part of the Mississippi valley and does great injury to domestic animals, often killing large numbers of cattle and horses. In Europe the Columbatz fly is a species with similar habits.
Webster 1913

buffalo gnat

  • noun small blackish stout-bodied biting fly having aquatic larvae; sucks the blood of birds as well as humans and other mammals
    blackfly; black fly.

buffalo gourd

  • noun perennial vine of dry parts of central and southwestern United States and Mexico having small hard mottled green inedible fruit
    wild pumpkin; Cucurbita foetidissima; Missouri gourd; calabazilla; prairie gourd; prairie gourd vine.

Buffalo grass

  • noun low mat-forming grass of southern United States and tropical America; grown as a lawn grass
    St. Augustine grass; Stenotaphrum secundatum.
  • noun short grass growing on dry plains of central United States (where buffalo roam)
    Buchloe dactyloides.
  • (Bot.), a species of short, sweet grass (Buchloë dactyloides), from two to four inches high, covering the prairies on which the buffaloes, or bisons, feed . [U.S.]
Webster 1913

buffalo indian

  • noun a member of one of the tribes of American Indians who lived a nomadic life following the buffalo in the Great Plains of North America
    Plains Indian.

Buffalo nut

  • noun oily drupaceous fruit of rabbitwood
    elk nut; oil nut.
  • noun shrub of southeastern United States parasitic on roots of hemlocks having sparse spikes of greenish flowers and pulpy drupes
    Pyrularia pubera; rabbitwood.
  • (Bot.), the oily and drupelike fruit of an American shrub (Pyrularia oleifera); also, the shrub itself; oilnut.
Webster 1913

Buffalo robe

  • the skin of the bison of North America, prepared with the hair on; much used as a lap robe in sleighs.
Webster 1913

buffalo wing

  • noun crisp spicy chicken wings

Cape buffalo

  • noun large often savage buffalo of southern Africa having upward-curving horns; mostly in game reserves
    Synercus caffer.
  • (Zoöl.) a large and powerful buffalo of South Africa (Bubalus Caffer). It is said to be the most dangerous wild beast of Africa. See Buffalo, 2.
Webster 1913

dwarf buffalo

  • noun small buffalo of the Celebes having small straight horns
    anoa; Anoa depressicornis.

indian buffalo

  • noun upland buffalo of eastern Asia where true water buffaloes do not thrive; used for draft and milk

old world buffalo

  • noun any of several Old World animals resembling oxen including, e.g., water buffalo; Cape buffalo

water buffalo

  • noun an Asian buffalo that is often domesticated for use as a draft animal
    Bubalus bubalis; water ox; Asiatic buffalo.
Wa"ter buf"fa*lo
  1. (Zoöl.) The European buffalo.
Webster 1913