bard : Idioms & Phrases

bard of avon

  • noun English poet and dramatist considered one of the greatest English writers (1564-1616)
    William Shakspere; Shakspere; Shakespeare; William Shakespeare.

Bark bed

  • . See Bark stove (below).
Webster 1913

Bark pit

  • a pit filled with bark and water, in which hides are steeped in tanning.
Webster 1913

Bark stove

  • (Hort.), a glazed structure for keeping tropical plants, having a bed of tanner's bark (called a bark bed) or other fermentable matter which produces a moist heat.
Webster 1913

Triads of the Welsh bards

  • poetical histories, in which the facts recorded are grouped by threes, three things or circumstances of a kind being mentioned together.
Webster 1913