baptist : Idioms & Phrases
- american baptist convention
- arminian baptist
- baptist church
- baptist denomination
- calvinistic baptist
- Freewill Baptists
- general baptist
- john the baptist
- northern baptist
- northern baptist convention
- particular baptist
- Seventh-day Baptists
- southern baptist
- southern baptist convention
- st. john the baptist
american baptist convention
noun an association of Northern Baptists
American Baptist Convention.
arminian baptist
noun group of Baptist congregations believing the teachings of the Dutch theologian Jacobus Arminius (who opposed the doctrine of strict predestination of the Calvinists)
Arminian Baptist.
baptist church
noun any of various evangelical Protestant churches that believe in the baptism of voluntary believers
baptist denomination
noun group of Baptist congregations
calvinistic baptist
noun group of Baptist congregations believing the teachings of the French theologian John Calvin who believed in strict predetermination
Calvinistic Baptist.
Freewill Baptists
- a sect of Baptists who are Arminian in doctrine, and practice open communion.
Webster 1913
general baptist
noun group of Baptist congregations believing the teachings of the Dutch theologian Jacobus Arminius (who opposed the doctrine of strict predestination of the Calvinists)
Arminian Baptist.
john the baptist
noun (New Testament) a preacher and hermit and forerunner of Jesus (whom he baptized); was beheaded by Herod at the request of Salome
John the Baptist.
northern baptist
noun a member of the American Baptist Convention
northern baptist convention
noun an association of Northern Baptists
American Baptist Convention.
particular baptist
noun group of Baptist congregations believing the teachings of the French theologian John Calvin who believed in strict predetermination
Calvinistic Baptist.
Seventh-day Baptists
- a sect of Baptists who keep the seventh day of the week, or Saturday, as the Sabbath. See
Sabbatarian . The Dunkers and Campbellites are also Baptists.
Webster 1913
southern baptist
noun a member of the Southern Baptist Convention
southern baptist convention
noun an association of Southern Baptists
st. john the baptist
noun (New Testament) a preacher and hermit and forerunner of Jesus (whom he baptized); was beheaded by Herod at the request of Salome
John the Baptist.