arrowroot : Idioms & Phrases

american arrowroot

  • noun white-flowered West Indian plant whose root yields arrowroot starch
    arrowroot; Maranta arundinaceae; obedience plant.

arrowroot family

  • noun tropical perennial herbs with usually starchy rhizomes
    Marantaceae; family Marantaceae.

florida arrowroot

  • noun small tough woody zamia of Florida and West Indies and Cuba; roots and half-buried stems yield an arrowroot
    Zamia pumila; coontie; Seminole bread.

indian arrowroot

  • noun perennial herb of East Indies to Polynesia and Australia; cultivated for its large edible root yielding Otaheite arrowroot starch
    Tacca leontopetaloides; pia; Tacca pinnatifida.

otaheite arrowroot

  • noun a starch obtained from the root of the pia
    Otaheite arrowroot.

otaheite arrowroot starch

  • noun a starch obtained from the root of the pia
    Otaheite arrowroot.