apparatus : Idioms & Phrases

apparatus urogenitalis

  • noun the system that includes all organs involved in reproduction and in the formation and voidance of urine
    genitourinary apparatus; urinary system; systema urogenitale; urogenital system; apparatus urogenitalis; urinary apparatus; genitourinary system.

auditory apparatus

  • noun all of the components of the organ of hearing including the outer and middle and inner ears

breathing apparatus

  • noun a device that facilitates breathing in cases of respiratory failure
    ventilator; breathing machine; breathing device.

buffing apparatus

Buff"ing ap`pa*ra"tus
  1. See Buffer, 1.
Webster 1913

Digestive apparatus

  • the organs of food digestion, esp. the alimentary canal and glands connected with it.
Webster 1913

genitourinary apparatus

  • noun the system that includes all organs involved in reproduction and in the formation and voidance of urine
    genitourinary apparatus; urinary system; systema urogenitale; urogenital system; apparatus urogenitalis; urinary apparatus; genitourinary system.

Germination apparatus

  • an apparatus for malting grain.
Webster 1913

golgi apparatus

  • noun a netlike structure in the cytoplasm of animal cells (especially in those cells that produce secretions)
    Golgi body; dictyosome; Golgi complex.

gymnastic apparatus

  • noun sports equipment used in gymnastic exercises

Immovable apparatus

  • (Med.), an appliance, like the plaster of paris bandage, which keeps fractured parts firmly in place.
Webster 1913

Jacquard apparatusarrangement

  • a device applied to looms for weaving figured goods, consisting of mechanism controlled by a chain of variously perforated cards, which cause the warp threads to be lifted in the proper succession for producing the required figure.
Webster 1913

kipp's apparatus

  • noun a laboratory apparatus for producing a gas (usually hydrogen sulfide) by the action of a liquid on a solid without heating

lacrimal apparatus

  • noun the structures that secrete and drain tears from the eye

urinary apparatus

  • noun the system that includes all organs involved in reproduction and in the formation and voidance of urine
    genitourinary apparatus; urinary system; systema urogenitale; urogenital system; apparatus urogenitalis; urinary apparatus; genitourinary system.

urogenital apparatus

  • noun the system that includes all organs involved in reproduction and in the formation and voidance of urine
    genitourinary apparatus; urinary system; systema urogenitale; urogenital system; apparatus urogenitalis; urinary apparatus; genitourinary system.

vestibular apparatus

  • noun organs mediating the labyrinthine sense; concerned with equilibrium
    vestibular system.