anglican : Idioms & Phrases

anglican catholic

  • noun a member of the Anglican Church who emphasizes its Catholic character

anglican church

  • noun the national church of England (and all other churches in other countries that share its beliefs); has its see in Canterbury and the sovereign as its temporal head
    Anglican Church; Church of England.

anglican communion

  • noun the national church of England (and all other churches in other countries that share its beliefs); has its see in Canterbury and the sovereign as its temporal head
    Anglican Church; Church of England.

high anglican church

  • noun a group in the Anglican Church that emphasizes the Catholic tradition (especially in sacraments and rituals and obedience to church authority)
    High Church.


Pan`-An"gli*can adjective
Pan- + Anglican.
  1. (Eccl.) Belonging to, or representing, the whole Church of England; used less strictly, to include the Protestant Episcopal Church of the United States; as, the Pan-Anglican Conference at Lambeth, in 1888.
Webster 1913