sparer Meaning, Definition & Usage
noun someone who refrains from injuring or destroying
adjective satellite thin and fit
trim; spare.
- the spare figure of a marathon runner
- a body kept trim by exercise
adjective satellite more than is needed, desired, or required
supererogatory; extra; redundant; surplus; spare; excess; superfluous; supernumerary.
- trying to lose excess weight
- found some extra change lying on the dresser
- yet another book on heraldry might be thought redundant
- skills made redundant by technological advance
- sleeping in the spare room
- supernumerary ornamentation
- it was supererogatory of her to gloat
- delete superfluous (or unnecessary) words
- extra ribs as well as other supernumerary internal parts
- surplus cheese distributed to the needy
adjective satellite not taken up by scheduled activities
spare; free.
- a free hour between classes
- spare time on my hands
adjective satellite kept in reserve especially for emergency use
- a reserve supply of food
- a spare tire
- spare parts
adjective satellite lacking in amplitude or quantity
scanty; spare; bare.
- a bare livelihood
- a scanty harvest
- a spare diet
adjective satellite lacking embellishment or ornamentation
spare; plain; unornamented; bare; unembellished.
- a plain hair style
- unembellished white walls
- functional architecture featuring stark unornamented concrete
Spar"er noun
One who spares.