simper Meaning, Definition & Usage

  1. noun a silly self-conscious smile
  2. verb smile affectedly or derisively


Sim"per intransitive verb
Cf. Norw. semper fine, smart, dial. Dan. semper, simper, affected, coy, prudish, OSw. semper one who affectedly refrains from eating, Sw. sipp finical, prim, LG. sipp.
imperfect & past participle Simpered ; present participle & verbal noun Simpering
  1. To smile in a silly, affected, or conceited manner.
    Behold yond simpering dame. Shak.
    With a made countenance about her mouth, between simpering and smiling. ir. P. Sidney.
  2. To glimmer; to twinkle. Obs.
    Yet can I mark how stars above Simper and shine. Herbert.
Sim"per noun
  1. A constrained, self-conscious smile; an affected, silly smile; a smirk.
    The conscious simper, and the jealous leer. Pope.

Webster 1913