screech Meaning, Definition & Usage

  1. noun a high-pitched noise resembling a human cry
    shriek; screeching; screaming; scream; shrieking.
    • he ducked at the screechings of shells
    • he heard the scream of the brakes
  2. noun sharp piercing cry
    screaming; screeching; shriek; scream; shrieking.
    • her screaming attracted the neighbors
  3. verb make a high-pitched, screeching noise
    skreak; whine; squeak; creak; screak.
    • The door creaked when I opened it slowly
    • My car engine makes a whining noise
  4. verb utter a harsh abrupt scream
    skreak; squawk; screak; skreigh.


Screech intransitive verb
Also formerly, scritch, OE. skriken, skrichen, schriken, of Scand. origin; cf. Icel. skr&ae;kja to shriek, to screech, skr&imac;ja to titter, Sw. skrika to shriek, Dan. skrige; also Gael. sgreach, sgreuch, W. ysgrechio, Skr. kharj to creak. Cf. Shriek, v., Scream, v.
imperfect & past participle Screeched ; present participle & verbal noun Screeching
  1. To utter a harsh, shrill cry; to make a sharp outcry, as in terror or acute pain; to scream; to shriek. "The screech owl, screeching loud." Shak.
Screech noun
  1. A harsh, shrill cry, as of one in acute pain or in fright; a shriek; a scream.

Webster 1913