rigid Meaning, Definition & Usage

  1. adjective satellite incapable of or resistant to bending
    • a rigid strip of metal
    • a table made of rigid plastic
    • a palace guardsman stiff as a poker
    • stiff hair
    • a stiff neck
  2. adjective satellite incapable of compromise or flexibility
  3. adjective satellite incapable of adapting or changing to meet circumstances
    unbending; inflexible.
    • a rigid disciplinarian
    • an inflexible law
    • an unbending will to dominate
  4. adjective designating an airship or dirigible having a form maintained by a stiff unyielding frame or structure
  5. adjective satellite fixed and unmoving
    fixed; set.
    • with eyes set in a fixed glassy stare
    • his bearded face already has a set hollow look"- Connor Cruise O'Brien
    • a face rigid with pain


Rig"id adjective
L. rigidus, fr. rigere to be stiff or numb: cf. F. rigide. Cf. Rigor.
  1. Firm; stiff; unyielding; not pliant; not flexible.
    Upright beams innumerable Of rigid spears. Milton.
  2. Hence, not lax or indulgent; severe; inflexible; strict; as, a rigid father or master; rigid discipline; rigid criticism; a rigid sentence.
    The more rigid order of principles in religion and government. Hawthorne.
    Syn. -- Stiff; unpliant; inflexible; unyielding; strict; exact; severe; austere; stern; rigorous; unmitigated.

Webster 1913